I get on the bus listening to music through my AirPods as usual.  Probably listening to some Destroy Lonely or Lucki . I get my favorite seat on the back of themes in the corner. I usually get bored on the bus so I start to play Clash Royale as I’m listening to music. All of a sudden I hear a familiar voice in my AirPods. I just knew it was some guy from one of Kanyes skits from his earlier albums, and I usually skip skits bit I was in a VERY intense game and I didn’t want to lose so I let the skit play. The match finishes but I keep listening. This dude is talking about dying with nothing other than his degrees. It’s like his life goals os to go to school and get his degrees, and nothing else. So I finished listening to the skit and I began to think.

This changed my view of education in various ways. One of those ways was that society sometimes puts TOO much importance on education. Education is important however some children can be easily manipulated into thinking that it is the only way to be successful, or its simply the most important thing in our lives.  When this happens it can lead students into feeling like a complete failure if they do bad on a test or or isn’t the top of their class. In the skit the speaker  says that while everyone is making money ill be in school and ill have my degrees, and this makes me think about how some kids don’t always live their youth to the fullest because they are worried about how they will be perceived based on their educational status. This skit made me realize that education is important but its not more important than actually living life in the present, and that worrying too much about how successful I’ll be in the future according to my education is a waste of energy.