Briana Urena

I’m terrible at test taking. As I open my eyes and take in the light shinning across my room, I hear the birds chirping and my mom cooking downstairs, it’s just like any other day except I realize I have an important test for one of my classes. Suddenly my stomach starts to turn and I start sweating thinking about it. I jump out of bed and head towards my desk, paper’s fluttering everywhere. I plan on reviewing my notes before but I can’t focus on anything as my stomach acts up. Why am I so nervous? I studied hard for this test. But as the same time in the back of my mind there’s a voice saying “what happen’s if I fail?” and all those doubts and worries fill my head. I try to push them aside and get on with studying.

As I’m walking toward the train, I can’t relax. I try focusing on something else like how blue the sky is or the car’s passing by and the music I hear from a far distance but as I do, it always comes back to the test. I’m gripping onto my flashcards like there my life and hope that the test goes well. It’s moments like this where I really dislike school, It makes me anxious and always scared whether my parents will be disappointed in me or if I’ll get a bad grade. It’s even worst as I’m sitting down in the classroom with the test in front of me, and my head blanks, everything I studied on the tip of my head but out of reach.