THINK: Think of one specific incident that changed your views on education. Picture the scene 

REVIEW : Please review the slideshow we watched in class about what paragraphs are. You can find it HERE.

WRITE: a blog post of 2-3 distinct paragraphs describing one specific incident that changed your views on education using Concrete, Significant detail. The incident you described in class will be a great place to start. You can change your topic if you like!!

To clarify: You’re basically polishing up what we did in class, but two things are different:

  1. Make sure there are 2-3 distinct paragraphs (not just one big long blurb.)
  2. You can change the topic if you don’t like what you wrote in class!

Note: you do not necessarily need to use PIE paragraphs here, but each paragraph needs a point (and PIE is a good guideline if you’re feeling lost!) Here’s a good guideline: if you’re trying to describe a scene (“this is what happened on September 11 in my grade school”), you don’t need PIE. If you’re trying to make a claim (“I was terrible at school”) you do. That said, each paragraph still makes a particular point. 

Pro tip: if you’re feeling lost, think about your audience and purpose. Who are you trying to reach and what are you trying to get them to do? Are you trying to support students in a rut? Are you trying to sing your own  praises for a job application? Are you trying to get educators or politicians to change educational policy? 

Category: Unit One