From what I have noticed so far the “ingredients” of the education narrative genre is that almost all the authors begin their story with background information. From all the articles we have read so far the author begins with an in depth background of themselves. They either begin by talking about their childhood like the author of “Maybe I could save myself by writing” where he talked a lot about his early childhood. He talked about how he never fit in anywhere he went even in his home country and how he became interested in poetry. He had an immediate interest in poetry when he saw one of his classmates perform a slam poetry piece.

What I think might be a good place to get started with my own education narrative is to really dive deep into how or why I got interested in poetry which is one of my favorite things to right. Just as the authors did they talked about their upbringing and a moment that caused a spark in them and caused them to either see literature , reading and writing differently or caused them to become more interested in a specific form of writing. So I believe being able to find an important moment in my life that also sparked the same feeling for me would be a good place to start.

My questions or concerns about writing an educational narrative of my own would be that I am a little worried that it might not Be as put together or easy to understand as I want it to be or how the other authors wrote theirs.