What does it mean to ” Read like a Writer.” Reading words on a paper and understanding the written words are two different things. Reading like a writer can be interpreted in many different way. One in which I believe, understanding the piece that you are reading to a level in which you act as if you wrote it. ” You are already an author” some people may read this and think to themselves who me ? I’m not an author. However being an author doesn’t have to mean writing a book it can mean telling a story or even shooting a text. Writing helped me in many ways. One in which, my attitude. I learned how to calm myself down and speak and a more proper way when you’re speaking with the correct tone and wise choice of words. Reading this article felt as if I was just rereading the same thing over and over again. I always felt like my main problem with writing is that I write as if  I’m speaking. Like all my pieces of writing are in first person point of view. Sometimes you aren’t just reading for the information that’s written down. You are reading to understand why the reading was put together by the author. Everyone has their own way of reading and writing. However reading this article provided many techniques that can help me in the future.  Annotating is one of the most useful strategies. Writing on the sidelines breaking down the paragraphs as they come along. It’ll help you understand the piece in a way you understand better. Rewriting or highlighting , even underlining. visualization is also another method that can help you read like a writer. To sum it up The article made my brain pop however felt as if to much was being repeated.