My name is Keon. There is no deep meaning towards my name but as a kid I’ve always wondered why my parents gave me this name but I have learned to live with the name and learned to love the name as I’ve gotten older the name Keon means something but I don’t remember what it was. My mom was the only one in the house with the letter K in her name so she decided to name me something with a K and that’s how is he thought of the name. Keon is a very unique name you rarely hear people with that name. My mom always taught me my name was supposed to be spelled with an apostrophe. Still till this day instead of me writing it like ke’on I write it like Keon without the apostrophe. I just like writing it out like that. Just Because I got that name it doesn’t make people view me differently. You got to always remember you were named that for a reason and you should be grateful for that.