My name is Alex. To be honest I don’t know much about the significance of the name itself but I get from my dad. My dads name is Alix and its pronounced AH-LEEX. So when I was born I guess my parents just decided to make it more American. Also, technically I’m not the second because me and my dads names are spelled differently but a lot of people call me Alex Jr. Honestly, I don’t think my name has caused anyone to think a certain way of me or treat my differently. I feel like a lot people from different cultures or backgrounds can have the name Alex so it would be difficult to have prejudice against someone with the name Alex. To me its kind of a boring name but I don’t mind it I think it fits me.

My middle name is Hugues. I get it from my mom who has the middle name Huguette. Again I don’t know the significance of the name itself but Hugues is a pretty unique middle name. Ive seen famous people with the name but I have yet to meet someone with that name. When I tell people my middle name I’m usually hit with the “what” or “huh” because I don’t really say it the “English” way, I just say it the way my mother says it and the “English” way sounds ugly. I also don’t actually know the proper way to say it in English. My full name is Alex Hugues Louis, I think its a cool name.