Finding Your Voice


Unprepared, unprepared is how i been feeling and its very annoying because I’m always prepared. I’m worried that i won’t understand the work and fall behind. This very different for and wasn’t what i was expecting it to be. For example I mistakenly thought that this assignment was due Thursday and if it wasn’t for my boyfriend that reminded me about it I would’ve gotten a zero. I feel there a lot to wrap around my head and something’s are just not clicking. Hopefully, I get a routine down and it gets easier to keep up with. This is the photo i choose this is me  doing my valedictorian speech at  my graduation I couldn’t wait for the day to be over but I honestly wish i can go back. This picture makes me feel proud of myself. I choose it because it reminds me of my accomplishments and reminds me to not give up.


Valerie Uribe

1 Comment

  1. Carrie Hall

    Valerie– please don’t worry! If you had missed today’s assignment, I would’ve let you do it late, as it’s the first one. Also, missing one assignment isn’t going to make or break you in this class. If you miss five in a row, you’ll fall pretty far behind. We’re all (even me!) in the process of getting our heads back in the game of school!

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