Even though I’m very exited to finally be a college student it’s still a little bit nerve wracking. It’s a whole new environment and it will take some getting used to. The college life and high school life are two very different lifestyles and the quick change probably isn’t going to be easy. Also after being around people you’ve known for years then going to a college where you don’t know anyone isnt really a bad thing just a new experience. Either way I think I’m going to have a fun time in this classes and in my other classes. I also like writing and Prof Hall seems pretty cool.

This picture means a lot to me because during my senior year I had two close friends in my 3rd period history class and we used to take a picture together everyday until it became a tradition, and so the picture just represents our friendship and reminds me of being in highschool again. They both go to different colleges now and we still keep in touch.