Finding Your Voice

Hw # 1

One word to describe how I am feeling about this course is excited, for being in a classroom the first time after my high school  graduation I’ve felt really comfortable and excited about what is yet to come. English has always been one of my favorite subjects, whenever I’m reading I’m always excited about what’s going to happen next. Kind of like this class I’m always going to be excited for the next time we meet. I usually used to be so outgoing and bubbly, however it’s been pretty hard lately. After so long I’m around new faces and a new environment that I’m excited to learn how to adapt to. 

This photos means a lot to me, because these are my students from the summer moving through the school year. They shape me in a way to have a kind heart and more patience. Watching them grow and learn, and being able to help and encourage them. Working with kids is a beautiful experience for me that shapes me as an individual.

1 Comment

  1. Carrie Hall

    Danya, how cool– I”m excited to hear about your students. And I think many people are struggling with the return to in-person classes. But we’ll make it work!

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