
Prismatic color

  • Prismatic colors are the colors that can be seen when white light goes through a prism. The colors of the visible spectrum produced by passing white light through a prism; red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet
  • The colors show when the white light pass through the Prismatic.White light passing though a prism creating the full spectrum of colors.


muted color

  • Muted colors are primary or secondary colors mixed with grey to “tone” them down. (answers.yahoo.com)
  • Muted colors are colors that are less intense“muted colors”的图片搜索结果


Achromatic grays

  • Achromatic grays are colors in which the rgb (red, green, and blue) values are exactly equal. ///Since achromatic grays have no hue, the hue code (the h in the hsv values of the color) is indicated with a dash. Achromatic grays are the axis of the color sphere, with white at the north pole and black at the south pole of the color sphere. The various tones of achromatic gray are along the axis of the color sphere from white at the top of the axis to black at the bottom of the axis. (wiki.com)


  • black and white

Chromatic Gray

  • A chromatic gray is a gray color in which the red, green, and blue codes are not exactly equal, but are close to each other, which is what makes it a shade of gray.(wiki.com)


  • dark colors

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Additive color

  • Is color created by mixing a number of different light colors, with shades of red, green, and blue being the most common primary colors used in additive color system.(wiki.com)


  • Describe situations where light is mixed by different colors to become a new color.

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subtractive color

  • A subtractive color model explains the mixing of a limited set of dyes, inks, paint pigments or natural colorants to create a wider range of colors, each the result of partially or completely subtracting (that is, absorbing) some wavelengths of light and not others.(wiki.com)


  • Explain the color of the mixture of paint, dye, ink etc.


Bezold effect

  • The Bezold effect is an optical illusion, named after a German professor of meteorology, Wilhelm von Bezold (1837–1907), who discovered that a color may appear different depending on its relation to adjacent colors.(wiki.com)


  • color may look differently when compare with Other

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color interaction

  • Every colour is seen in relationship to another colour. When you see two or more colours together they have a profound effect on one another  (http://www.webexhibits.org/colorart/contrast.html)


  • Two colors or more  side by side, interact with one another affects the colors that we saw.

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