Production For Designers

active 3 years, 10 months ago
Production For Designers
This Course Profile is OPEN, but only logged-in OpenLab members may view the Course Site.
Communication Design
Course Code
Semester / Year
Fall 2019
Course Description

A journey, an adventure, a path for creative thinkers, graphic designers to take to be prepared for real-world situations, regarding production print, printing and the re-birth of the printing trades.


This course was created by: Prof. Kubis

View the course(s) that this course is based on.

Recent Discussions

First Session Notes

Here is some information and a link to a very informative article on reverse engineering. re路verse en路gi路neer路ing the reproduction of another manufacturer's product following detailed examination of its construction or com […] See MoreFirst Session Notes

No Class On Monday April 8th

Good Morning, I have the flu and will not be able to teach the class on April 8th. I will see you next week. Please pass this note to anyone others in the class so between this note and an email I hope all will get the message. Many […] See MoreNo Class On Monday April 8th

Final Presentations are due on Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Afternoon, Just a reminder that final in class presentations are due this Wednesday. Be prepared to present you themed report on the class and the three topics you selected. Prof. Kubis See MoreFinal Presentations are due on Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Recent Docs


Good Afternoon, You all should review and determine if this is of interest to you. Register today to gain access to this unique event. User experience (UX) is the intersection of design and engineering. Want to know what it鈥檚 like to w See MoreInterships!

End of Semester – 2019

Good Morning to all, I wanted to take a moment to thank you all for your support and your dedication to this class. Production is the glue that keeps creative and the end result tight, linked and allows the designers vision to be captured and See MoreEnd of Semester – 2019

Monday, December 2, 2019

Good morning, I will be sending emails to you all as well, Our session for Monday, December 2, 2109 is cancelled. I am聽 in New England and due to the forecasted snow storm I cannot get into New York to lead the session. Please start working on See MoreMonday, December 2, 2019