Perspectives in Literature

active 2 years, 11 months ago
Perspectives in Literature
This Course is OPEN.
Course Code
Semester / Year
Fall 2012
Course Description

This course is intended to introduce you some major styles and themes of Anglophone literature. We will concentrate on novels of the 20th century. We will also spend a lot of time working on our own writing skills through essays and shorter, less formal responses


This course was created by: Lisa Brundage

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Comment on "I feel for Brian"

Sympathizing with any of the characters in this book is a little like picking out a favorite type […] See MoreComment on "I feel for Brian"

Comment on "I feel for Brian"

I sympathize with Irene, she TRIED to be better than she was and I think that's an admirable […] See MoreComment on "I feel for Brian"

Comment on "reading journal for passing ."

Passing is a very interesting book. I could not believe Irene's jelous rage would make her kill Clare. See MoreComment on "reading journal for passing ."