Living Laboratory Associate Fellows

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  • Tips & Tricks
  • #29423

    Damien L. Duchamp

    I was wondering how we can install new plugins. I want to be able to move comments around… my students put some for one assignment in the wrong place and I want to keep things orderly. This one seems to address this problem:


    Jonas Reitz

    Hi Damien,

    The OpenLab features a growing collection of WordPress plugins, and requests for new additions should be sent to the openlab team at . Since the OpenLab involves some significant customizations to the basic WordPress/BuddyPress installation, the team needs to evaluate new plugins to make sure there are no compatibility issues – but they are very responsive, and if the plugin you are looking for doesn’t work for some reason they are great about suggesting alternatives. Give it a try, and let us know how it goes.

    – Jonas


    Jill Belli

    Hi Damien:

    Thanks for your interest in the OpenLab! Please do contact our wonderful OpenLab team with any questions and to suggest new features/functionality. The e-mail address where you can always reach them is:



    Bree Zuckerman

    Thanks, Jonas and Jill, for chiming in!

    And hi Damien, I’m Bree, a member of the OpenLab Community Team. Thanks for your inquiry! We’ll look into the plugin and let you know if it’s something that we can add.

    For some reason, the email address didn’t copy for Jonas and Jill above, so I’ll try again. It is: openlab (at) citytech (dot) cuny (dot) edu.

    We’ll be able to respond more quickly to inquiries there. :)

    Many thanks!


    Phil Mitch


    I think until then the best thing to do is have the student repost. You can manually change the date on the post.

    If it was just a matter of categorizing, the student or you can just change the category.

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