Films from Literature ENG 2400 Spring 2024 0565

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  • Jan. 26 First class quiz
  • #90786

    Prof. Masiello

    This is just to see what you already know. It will not affect your grade.

    Use full sentences with correct capitalization and punctuation. Your writing counts! You have to answer in this Discussion folder. Please number your answers (you should not rewrite the questions).

    Literary terminology:

    1a) Define “metaphor” or “simile” (they are slightly different)

    b) Provide an example:


    2a) Define “alliteration”

    b) Provide an example:

    3a) Define “personification”

    Provide an example:

    4a) What is a “short story”? Define it.

    b) Name an example: (Use “quote marks” for such titles).

    5a) What is a “novel”? Define it. (Use underlining for novel titles.)

    b) Name an example: ____________________________________________________________________________

    6a) What is a “play”? Define it. (Use underlining for such titles.)

    b) Name an example:___________________________________________________


    7) What is film editing?
    8a) Define symbol (or symbolism)
    b) Provide an example:
    9a) What is one of your favorite works of literature?
    b) Why do you like it? (full sentence, please)
    10a) What is one of your favorite films? ________________________________________________________________________
    b) Why do you like it? (full sentence please)

    11a) Who is one of your favorite writers? _______________________________________________________________________
    b) Why do you like him or her? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    12a) Who is one of your favorite film directors? _______________________________

    b) Why do you like this director? (full sentence) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    13) After you have read a story and later seen its film version, are you pleased or disappointed?

    Please name at least one title and explain why…
    14) Why do you think film versions change details from their source stories?


    This topic was modified 5 months ago by Prof. Masiello.


    Alyssa skerret

    1) (A) A metaphor is a figure of speech and simile contains the words like or as.

    2) (B) It’s raining cats and dogs.

    2a) A sound of a word… (Not sure).

    B) ???

    3a) Personification is when something is described as if they were a person.

    Ex: The branches of the tree keep on swaying due to the storm.

    4a: A short story has less writing than novels and could be done in one sitting.

    B: “Little red riding hood” “Goldilocks and the three birds”

    5a) A novel is a longer story that is impossible to finish in one sitting.

    B: “To Kill a mocking bird”

    6a: A play is where individuals act based on a story or movie.

    B: Romeo and Juliet

    7) Film editing is when editors take the time to cut and assemble their film.

    8a: Symbolism is the use of symbols to represent ideas, concepts based on literature, art or any form of communication.

    B) Food chains uses symbols for their business so customers can recognize their company.

    9a: I can’t think of a favorite literature work.


    10a) My favorite film is grease.

    B) It has been my favorite film as a child.


    Mu Song

    1a) Metaphor is a comparison without using “like” or “as” and a simile is a comparison using “like” or “as”
    b) Metaphor: She has a heart made of gold
    Simile: She is white like snow

    2a) It is the repetition of the first letter sound
    b) Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers

    3a) Giving human characteristics to non-living things
    b) The grass danced in the wind

    4a) A story can be finished in a single read
    b) Any of Aesop’s Fables

    5a) Fictional Stories that are read for days
    b) Percy Jackson and the Lightning Theif

    6a) What is a “play”? Define it. (Use underlining for such titles.)
    A story told by interactions between characters and is written in a certain way
    b) Romeo and Juliet


    7) Cutting, Adding, and changing what is needed to create the final film

    8a) Items or images representing something
    b) The cross to represent the religion of Christianity

    9a) The Percy Jackson Series
    b) It was my favorite book to read when I was younger so it holds a lot of nostalgia

    10a) Extreme Jobs (Korean Film)
    b) It’s hilarious and has an interesting plot

    11a) Rick Riordan
    b) He made my favorite books when I was younger

    12a) Jordan Peele
    b) He’s made excellent Horror/Thriller Movies

    13) Usually, I’m disappointed since the movies cut some parts of the book out or change it however certain movies are well done. I think the books and movies of Harry Potter are well done. They’ve kept the movies true to the books for the most part and made it enjoyable to watch.

    14) I think they change details because of budgeting or the director having a different vision for the story

    • This reply was modified 6 months ago by Mu Song.
    • This reply was modified 6 months ago by Mu Song.

    Tshari Yancey

    1a). A metaphor is a word used in place of another to suggest likeness. A simile compares two otherwise dissimilar things often using the words like or as.

    b) Example (simile – she was as sweet as ice cream.) Example (metaphor – life is a highway.)

    2a). alliteration is when two or more words begin with the same sound.

    b) Sally sells seashells by the seashore.

    3a). Personification is when a nonhuman thing is described as if it were a person giving human attributes.

    b) The leaves danced in the wind.

    4a). A short story is a piece of fiction that can be read in a single sitting usually between 1,600 and 20,000 words long.

    b) “The Fall of the House of Usher” by Edgar Allen Poe

    5a). A novel is a narrative work of fiction that tells a story about a specific human experience over a considerable length.

    b) Alice Walker’s The Color Purple.

    6a) A play is a form of dramatic literature performed on stage by actor’s involving scripted dialogue.

    b) Hamilton on Broadway.

    7a) Film editing is the cutting and a assembling of a finished film it involves creativity to craft a cohesive story.

    8a) Symbol or Symbolism is a mark, sign, or word is used to represent another thing.

    b) Skull and Cross bones = danger, poison

    9a) My favorite works of literature would have to be Stephen king’s The Regulators.

    b) I love horror, so when I read that book the author did such a great job with the story-telling perspective from each person in the novel and how the approach they made to danger as different individuals.

    10a) My favorite film is The Godfather 2.

    b) It’s my favorite because the writing in that movie was amazingly executed. I loved the story element of how Don Corleone became Don Corleone.

    11a) Toni Morrison is one of my favorite writers.

    b) She wasn’t afraid to touch on topics that a lot of African Americans face within their community especially at a time where stuff like that didn’t get talked about enough.

    12a) Quentin Tarantino is one of my favorite directors.

    b) I love his cinematography and the edge he brings to the films whether he’s doing an action film or a crime drama. It’s going to have a feel of realism.

    13a) Stephen King’s Gerald’s game, there were so many things left out that the movie didn’t seem cohesive to the novel. It left out a huge chunk of the book that I think would’ve explained the main character more.

    14a) Sometimes due to running time or they don’t see how it would fit into their vision of how they want to tell the story.



    1a) A simile is a figure of speech comparing something; usually involving the word “like” or “as”.

    b) She shined as bright as the sun.

    2a) Alliteration is a phrase that involves the same sound being used at the beginning of each word creating more emphasis.

    b) The buzzing busy bee.

    3a) Personification is the humanization of inanimate objects or anything non-human

    b) The wind whispered to me every night

    4a) A short story is a brief fiction peace. Maybe a couple of hundred words

    b) “Lamb to the slaughter”

    5a) Novels are lengthy functional stories

    b) “To kill a mockingbird”

    6a) A play literary dialogue written to be performed in front of an audience

    b) “Death of a Salesman”

    7a) Film editing is the art of cutting and combining video recording to tell a clear story.

    8a) Symbolism is the idea of using imagery to present a thought.

    b) using craws in a story could present death to the readers

    9a) I don’t have one


    10a) My favorite film is “The Sound of Music”

    b) I like how they presented such a light and lovable family story while touching on a tragic time in Austria. the music was also great.

    11a) I don’t have one.

    12a) I don’t have one.

    13a) I usually am disappointed.

    b) For example, In “The Hunger Games” novel there is a point where Catniss describes some hounds that were trying to attack her and that the faces of those dogs were the faces of the fallen fellow contestants, including one that she cared for very much. This part was excluded from the movie and I wish it wasn’t because I believe that was a very important moment of realization for the protagonist of just how evil the government was.

    14) I think they do so to stay within the length of 2 hours – a normal movie length.





    1A) A metaphor is a figure of speech that shouldn’t be taken literally. A simile is a figure of speech that involves comparing one thing to another.
    B) metaphor – That person has a heart of gold.
    simile – That person is as quiet as a mouse.

    2a) Alliteration is when words in a sentence start the with the same letter.
    B) Sally sells seashells by the sea shore.
    3A) Personification is giving human traits to a non human or living being.
    B) Giving an animal the ability to talk.

    4A) A short story is a story that can be completed in a short amount of time.

    5A) A novel is a longer story that can take days to complete. It can have many different characters and storylines all in one book.
    B) “A Game of Thrones”

    6A) A play is a live action adaption of a story.
    6B) Romeo and Juliet
    7) Film editing is the editing process to make it a certain length.

    8a) Symbolism is using an object or a person to represent ideas.
    b) Katniss as the mocking jay in “The Hunger Games”

    9A) Percy Jackson and the Olympians
    B) This series is my favorite because I use to read all the books when I was younger. It made me very interested in Greek god and fantasy stories.
    10A) GoodFellas
    B) GoodFellas is one of my favorite movies because mob movies are one of my favorite genres of movies and Goodfellas is a combination of everything I enjoy in movies all in one.
    11) Eiichiro Oda the creator of One Piece is one of my favorite writers.
    B) I like his work due to the many great characters, his foreshadowing techniques, and his unique story telling.
    12A) Martin Scorsese
    12B) He is my favorite director because he directed many of my favorite movies including GoodFellas, The Wolf of Wall Street, Shutter Island, and more.
    13) Usually when I see a film of a story I’ve read I come out disappointed. An example of this is the Percy Jackson movie from 2010. The movie skipped many important storylines and also made the characters older which messed up the story as well.
    14) The film version changes details from the source for many reasons. One reason is books are usually longer and have more time to tell a story, while a movie has only about 2 hours. So because of time, many things need to be altered or cut out.





    1) It is a figure of speech that is used to compare two things/people. Simile uses “like” or “as” to make the direct comparison while metaphor does not.

    1a) He is as red as the sun – simile

    2) Alliteration is the use of similar sounding words, it is common at the start of the word

    2a) Peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers

    3) Describing inanimate objects with human characteristics

    3a) The city that never sleeps

    4) Not sure

    5) Not sure

    6) A performance that follows a story, and has acts (I, II, III, etc.)

    6a) Romeo and Juliet

    7) Film editing is making cuts (audio and visual) to make the final piece that is distributed

    8a) The use of objects or concepts to represent grand messages or implications

    8b) The use of bats in Batman movies

    9) I don’t have a favorite

    10) Band of brothers

    10a) The story does not rely on the battles to hold the audience, the characters’ relationships and the dialogue do a good job of making the characters real. Characters do not have to like each other and it will show, Captain Winters being a character many in his platoon look up to is not depicted as always level-headed, stoic, perfect, and sympathetic character. He has forgotten to make important documents and has once told his men to make a false report of a mission they did not go on so that they might live, ultimately abandoning a rescue mission. He does not always find the best answer but the movie shows his conviction to his men, the writing in the story is phenomenal and has the rough and abrasive characters shine just as much as the sympathetic and charismatic characters.

    11) I don’t have a favorite writer

    12) None

    13) I have watched and read Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, I prefer the movie for being a better medium to portray feelings without explicitly being described in the book.

    14) Some details need to be explicitly told to the audience, films can skip that and make it through body language. Films must also appeal to the current audience to make a financial gain, interpretations have to be made for audiences abroad. Films can often have huge expenses in production (studio, actors, props, locations, etc.) while books often have the writer and the editor


    Naina sahajalal

    1a) Define “metaphor” or “simile” (they are slightly different)
    A simile compares something using the words like or as and a metaphor is a figure of speech that adds symbolism to an object.

    b) Provide an example:
    metaphor- She is a shining star.
    simile- I’m as free as the wind.

    2a) Define “alliteration”
    Alliteration repeats the same sound as the beginning of a word.

    b) Provide an example: She sells seashells by the seashore.

    3a) Define “personification”
    personification is when you add human-like descriptions to an object or action.

    Provide an example: The time is running.

    4a) What is a “short story”? Define it.
    A short story is much shorter than a novel but covers all points without going into depth.

    b) Name an example: (Use “quote marks” for such titles).
    “Dubliners” by James Joyce

    5a) What is a “novel”? Define it. (Use underlining for novel titles.)
    A novel is a long-length story that goes into depth of theme and message

    b) Name an example:
    “Pride And Prejudice” BY Jane Austen

    6a) What is a “play”? Define it. (Use underlining for such titles.)
    A play is a theatrical performance

    b) Name an example: “Antigone”


    7) What is film editing?
    Film editing is when clips are taken and put together to add meaning or portray a message smoothly.

    8a) Define symbol (or symbolism)
    A symbol is something that represents meaning in something else
    b) Provide an example:
    Yin and Yang
    9a) What is one of your favorite works of literature?
    The Great Gatsby
    b) Why do you like it? (full sentence, please)
    The novel is filled with glamour, and romance, and gives insight into the flaws of the upper class and the American dream.

    10a) What is one of your favorite films?
    La La Land
    b) Why do you like it? (full sentence please)
    La La Land is one of my favorite movies because it incorporates musical theater and an excellent soundtrack, and it has made me cry quite a lot.

    11a) Who is one of your favorite writers?
    Suzanne Collins
    b) Why do you like him or her?
    Suzanne Collins wrote The Hunger Games series, a series that I looked forward to reading the next book and kept up with releases.

    12a) Who is one of your favorite film directors?
    Baz Luhrmann
    b) Why do you like this director? (full sentence)
    Baz Luhrmann is my favorite director because I appreciate his videography style. His takes on glitz and glamour as well as his intense visuals make his films extremely captivating.

    13) After you have read a story and later seen its film version, are you pleased or disappointed?
    Please name at least one title and explain why…
    After reading “Elvis And Me” by Priscilla Presley and later on, seeing “Priscilla” in theaters I would say I was pleased for the most part because when reading the book it is a timeline of Elvis and Priscilla’s relationship it slightly lacks feelings and emotions. When watching the film you can see the emotions and psychoanalyze the events better.

    14) Why do you think film versions change details from their source stories?
    I assume it’s because of the lack of time and funding they cannot include every single detail.


    Alyssa skerret

    2nd Submission (completed)

    1a) Metaphor is a figure of speech that describes a person, object or action that not true.

    2) (B) It’s raining cats and dogs.

    2a) It is when sentences or phrases share the same initial consonant sound, while repeating the sound of consonant sounds at the beginning.

    b) How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

    3a) Personification is when something is described as if they were a person.

    Ex) The branches of the tree keep on swaying due to the storm.

    4a) A short story has less writing than novels and could be done in one sitting.

    b) Goldilocks and the three birds

    5a) Novels are longer stories and book length that contain enough pages. Novels are impossible to finish in one sitting.

    b) To Kill a Mocking Bird

    6a) Plays are performances that are acted out based on movies and stories.

    B) Romeo and Juliet

    7) Film editing allows the editors to cut and assemble their film.

    8a) Symbolism is the use of  symbols to present ideas, concepts based on literature, art or any form of communication.

    b) Food chains uses symbols for their business, therefore customers can recognize their company.

    9a) My favorite literature work is Bodega Dreams.

    b) I read Bodega Dreams by Ernesto Quinonez in high school and this literature piece portrays life in Spanish Harlem that discusses the challenges, dreams and aspirations of the Spanish community.

    10a) Nicholas Sparks

    b) All of his books are touching to the heart and realistic to life-like experiences you have gone through or can relate too.

    12a) Tim Burton

    b) I feel a sense of nostalgia when I watch his movies and I’m drawn to his visual style which is seen to be Gothic and horrifying elements.

    13) I feel far from disappointed whenever I get to read and watch any of Nicholas Sparks projects. For example, The Best of Me is an emotional storytelling that explores love, loss, second chances, and redemption.

    14) I think the film version changes their source stories because not everything can fit in one movie which will make the duration of the movie too long.



    Angel Padilla

    1a.) A metaphor is essentially taking one thing and having that be represented as something completely new in a figurative way. Moreover, a simile is slightly different than a metaphor and is used to compare one thing to another.
    1b.)So for an example of a metaphor, the term he/she has a heart of gold is used to describe a character being down to earth.  Moreover, an example of a simile would be his/her face was red as a tomato in order to indicate that the character is embarrassed.
    2a.) Alliteration is essentially describing a sentence that feature words that have the same letters or sound.
    2b.) An example of alliteration is Sally sells seashells by the seashore.
    3a.) Personification is essentially writing tool that allows something that’s nonhuman or inanimate to become more human like.
    3b.) The trees are dancing in the wind is an example of personification because the act of dancing is essentially a human action, so when you use that in a figurative way to describe a tree swaying in the wind, it ends up being really creative.
    4a.) A short story is self explanatory in its meaning. It’s essentially indicating that the length of one book can easily be finished in one sitting.
    4b.) James Baldwin is famously known for his short stories, such as “Sonny’s Blues” and “The Rockpile.”
    5a.) A novel is significantly different from a short story because of the story’s length being the obvious reason. Not only that, novels are fictitious narratives that highlight human experience in a way that feels very poignant and intimate.
    5b.) An example of a written novel that I genuinely love is RJ Palacio’s <span style=”text-decoration: underline;”>Wonder</span>, which is one of the most human books that I’ve ever read that deals with the treatment of people with physical disabilities.
    6a.)  A play is distinct from a short story and novel because it’s a piece of literature that’s strictly meant for performance in a theater space. It features different stage cues and script lines that characters in the story are meant to say. These script lines are performed by the actors who are contributing to making the play come to life.
    6b.) An example of a play that I really like is Arthur Miller’s The Crucible, which is a really dark and eerie play that takes place in 1600’s Salem. It discusses the concept of how mob mentality can be detrimental towards any environment.
    7a.) Film editing is basically the creative process that’s involved in applying a few tweaks here and there that can help create a finished product. These tweaks include applying the sound design to something in order to make your movie sound nice, as well as combining your recorded clips together in order to have a visual story with great pacing.
    8a.) A symbol is a thing that can help represent a completely different idea. It’s constantly used in literature.
    8b.) An example of a symbol that can be found in literature is the symbol of a tree that helps represent life and evolution.
    9a.)  One of my favorite works of literature as aforementioned is RJ Palacio’s Wonder. I remember first reading that in the fifth grade and I don’t think any book has impacted me more than that book ever had. It got a film adaptation that was just as impressive as the source material and that genuinely made me happy.
    9b.) I love this book because it brings more awareness towards the lack of empathy that most students have when being mindful of other people’s adversities. The protagonist in the book, August, struggles with a physical disability which causes a discourse in his school. He meets a handful of mean kids while he also meets a handful of good kids that he eventually befriends. There’s so much humanity that’s within this piece of literature that I genuinely love and enjoy to this day.
    10a.) One of my favorite films of all time is Star Wars: Revenge Of The Sith.
    10b.) I really like this movie simply based on how brilliantly it’s shot. Everything from the environments, to the soundtrack, and the dynamic of the characters is what makes for a really captivating story.
    11a.)  One of my favorite writers is Roald Dahl.
    11b.) Roald Dahl is one of my favorite writers because he wrote some of my favorite books growing up like The BFG and The Witches. I genuinely love those books because of his distinct style of writing that plays a role within the narrative. They’re very imaginative and charming.
    12a.) One of my favorite film directors is definitely Tim Burton.
    12b.) Tim Burton is one of my favorite directors simply because of how he captures an environment in a really endearing way. My favorite movies from him is Beetlejuice.
    13) There was one book based film that I genuinely enjoyed and that was The Great Gatsby which was released in 2013. I feel this way because the way that the film highlights the tension that we see in the book is done in a really intimate way that makes you as the viewer feel like you’re there.
    14) I think film versions  change details from the source material strictly due to censorship purposes. There are some instances in books that don’t necessarily need to be in the film adaptation, such as Stephen King’s It for example. There is a lot of unnecessary scenes that were removed for good reason in the film adaptation. Another reason could be the fact that most directors like to create a lot of what-if situations in the source material. I personally don’t like the second reason because I think changing a character based on their identity as well as the relationships they have with other people, is wrong.



    Quiz 1
    1.A simile is comparing to unlike things using like or as.
    I am as strong as an ox.
    2.Alliteration is a sentence which uses the same letter in a sentence.
    Sally sells sea shells by the sea shore.
    3.Personification is giving non-human things human characteristics.
    A prime examples is the bears in the story of goldilocks and the three bears
    4.A short story is a story but about 5 pages.
    “Eleven” by Sandra Cisnros
    5.A Novel is a book filled with multiple chapters.
    “Monster” by Walter Dean Myers
    6.A play is a story filled with dialog meant to be acted out.
    “Macbeth” by Shakespear
    7.Film editing is when someone edits a video to have the desired effects.
    8.Symbolism is a way to convey something of something broader without directly saying it
    Bob Ross is a symbol of peace, relaxation, and love.
    9.One of my favorite works of literature is “Until Your Bones Rot” by Yae Utsumi
    I liked this book because it has many plot twist, is filled with mystery and suspense..
    10.One of my favorite films is the Friday trilogy
    I Love because it is a staple of my childhood.
    11.One of my favorite writers is Eiichiro Oda.
    I love how he has been writing a book series for over 2 decades and has built an amazing world with unique characters, and endless foreshadowing.
    12.My favorite director is Andrew Stanton.
    I love them because they were in charge of many of the children films i grew up watching.
    13.I read “Ender’s Game” by Orson Scott Card which is an amazing book but the film does it zero justice and you are left unsatisfied.
    14.I believe films differ from their written counterparts for a multitude of reasons but the main ones would be time restraints and script writers wanting to go in a different direction.


    Bryan Jimenez

    1a) A “metaphor” is a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is added onto an object or action that is not literal  while a “simile” compares two different things using the words “like” or “as.”
    b) Metaphor – Time is a thief.
    Simile – Her smile was like sunshine.
    2a) “Alliteration” is a repetition of similar-sounding words and letters in a sentence.
    b) Alliteration – Silly snakes silently slithered through the grass.
    3a) “Personification” is a figure of speech where human qualities are added to non-human things or objects.
    b) Personification – The flowers danced in the gentle breeze.
    4a) A short story is a story that focuses on the main plot and characters in a brief fashion that can be read quickly.
    b) An example of a short story is “The Bet” by Anton Chekhov.
    5a) A novel is a long work of fiction with many characters, settings, and events.
    b) An example of a novel is “The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald.
    6a) A play is a form of literature written for performance on a stage.
    b) An example of a play is “Hamlet” by William Shakespeare.
    7a) Film editing is the process of cutting, splitting, and combining individual shots or scenes from a film.
    8a) Symbol or symbolism uses signs or words that represent something else to convey ideas, emotions, or themes.
    b) An example of symbol or symbolism is a dove (bird) which symbolizes peace, freedom, or innocence.
    9a) One of my favorite works of literature is “Hamlet” by William Shakespeare.
    b) I enjoyed reading “Hamlet” because I like the characters and the story. I enjoyed reading the tragedy of Hamlet.
    10a) One of my favorite films is Oppenheimer.
    b) I like the film Oppenheimer because of the setting in which it takes place (WWII), the music, the cinematography, the science, learning about many theoretical physicists during the Manhattan Project, and the understanding of the making of the atomic bomb.
    11a) One of my favorite writers is Hajime Isayama.
    b) I like this writer because he was able to create a well-thought-out series, use of foreshadowing, symbolism, metaphors, and juxtaposition, developed so many unique and interesting characters.
    12a) One of my favorite film directors is Christopher Nolan.
    b) I like this director because he directed some of my favorite films and he’s able to craft a compelling story, and then support it with precise cinematic techniques.
    13) Usually when I see a film of a story I have read I would be disappointed. One of these films is “To Kill a Mockingbird.” The reason why is because it doesn’t fully cover the major details that the book does.
    14) I believe film versions change details from their source stories to make sure the movie follows through with its initial duration. This makes it so many things that would usually get cut off. Another reason would be that they would want to make the story more interesting by adding things that aren’t from its initial source.



    1a) A metaphor is a figure of speech that is used to make a comparison between two things to create an image.
    1b) America is a melting pot and can be an example of a metaphor.

    2a) Alliteration is when two words appear close together and have the same initials/sounds.
    2b) An example of alliteration is Wavy Water.

    3a) Personification is the attribution of human characteristics given to something nonhuman.
    3b) An example of personification is “ Justice is deaf and blind”.

    4a) A short story is a piece of writing that can cover all the main points which can be read quickly and in one sitting.
    4b) “The Three Little Pigs”

    5a) A novel is a lengthy narrative that tells a different story.
    5b) “Charlotte’s Web”

    6a) A play is a form of drama that consists of dialogue between the characters and is a theatrical performance.
    6b) The Crucible

    7) Film editing is the cutting and collecting short pieces of shot film to make an artistically concise and complete motion picture.

    8a) Film editing is the cutting and collecting short pieces of shot film to make an artistically concise and complete motion picture.
    8b) The eagle symbolizes the USA which is for freedom and bravery.

    9a) One of my favorite works of literature is The Crucible.
    9b) I like The Crucible because the play gives so many dramatic and shocking scenes.

    10a)One of my favorite films is “The Psycho 1960”.
    10b) I like this movie not because it’s horror but because the ending is shocking which no one would guess. In addition, although the movie is old, the characters played well, and also the scene it laid out well.

    11a) One of my favorite writers is Jeff Kinney.
    11b) I like him because his books are easy to understand and relatable to many teenagers today.

    12a) One of my favorite film directors is Alfred Hitchcock.
    12b) I like Hitchcock because all the movies he produced have meanings that are relevant to our lives.

    13) I’m pleased, most of the time, after reading a story and later seeing its film version because when I see the visuals I get more of an understanding rather than reading the story. The story of Macbeth is written well and I like the way that the story plot is set up.

    14) I think the film versions change details from their source stories because if the movie and the book are the same then there wouldn’t be any shocks or drama added to the scenes. On the other hand, if it is different then it would draw more audience and have more suspense in it.


    Jennifer C

    1a) Metaphor: using its or is to describe something
    Simile: using as or like to describe something
    b) Metaphor: Its raining cats and dogs
    Simile: He is as vibrant as summer
    2a) Having a pattern of words
    b) She sells shells by the seashore
    3a) Making an object or thing have a human trait
    b) The sun smiled down on us.
    4a) A short story meant to be short however in a way for the reader to have enough information about the story and the message it’s trying to convey.
    b) The yellow wallpaper by Charlotte Stetson
    5a) A made up story that could have happened or can happen depending on the time the novel takes place.
    b) Crime and punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky
    6a) A piece of writing that can be acted out in front of an audience.
    b) Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare
    7) Editing a video in order to show viewers perspective, setting, mood, expressions, detail and etc.
    8a) A object that represents meaning

    b) In “Beauty and the beast” the wilting flower represents the beast’s life, appearance, time and love. It gave the beast a constant reminder of his current self and what he’s capable of doing in the future.
    9a) Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
    b) It showed the reality of why we question things and its consequences. It also shows the way society sees life and how other people’s feelings are seen
    10a) Lord of the rings

    b) Attention to detail was really good and the battle scenes were pretty intense. Overall it did a pretty good depiction of the books.
    11a) I don’t have one I like reading different genres especially writers who translate their work into english
    b) Different writing styles than others and you can learn a lot from the writers themselves
    12a) Sofia Coppola
    b) Most directors are male in which we see women not have a big role but be sexualized in order to make profit off big movies. I think now we see more female lead movies and it’s interesting to see the way that it’s put in a more feminine way rather in a male’s perspective.

    13) Yes, the great gatsby i hate the film a lot (the newer version). I read the book with the intention that the film was going to go in detail with the history and era, like fully depending on the book’s era in the way the book described it to be. I guess the actors were pretty good as well as the costumes, but hated the way the film made everything so dramatic and unrealistic for that era the book was taken in, even the setting and what even made it worse was the fact that most of the movie was cgi. At that point they should’ve made the film into a marvel movie. Book was good though
    14) In order to gain attention from newer, younger and bigger audiences.

    • This reply was modified 5 months, 3 weeks ago by Jennifer C.


    1a. Metaphor is comparing without using the work like or as. Simile is using like or as when comparing someone to anything. B. This class is the B*omb, This room is hot as H*ell

    2a. My definition is a tongue twister sentence that uses the same letters to sound tricky or not normal 2b Sally sells seashells by the seashore

    3. Alliteration is comparing a object to a human like characteristic Example: This sun is kiss my face right now 4a. A short story is a fiction book that can be rid in one sitting Example- “the Lorax”

    5. A fiction book with a good amount of length and normally read in many sittings “Lord of the rings”

    6. A play is a fictional reenactment of a scene or a story “Romeo and Juliet”

    7. Film editing is anytime of altercation to the original film. This could be in the audio or visual.

    8. Symbol is what is used to represent a thing.

    9. Percy Jackson book series was the most interesting to me in middle school and Big nate and books like “middle school worst times of my life”.

    10. One of my favorite films is any early Fast and Furious movie because it was one of the realest and truest movies to something that symbolizes family and being there for someone.

    11. Rick Riordan because he created the Percy Jackson book series and also led to another great set of books beginning with “the son of neptune”

    12. I don’t have a favorite film director because I don’t know any but the Director is Deadpool is cool because he uses dialogue that matched the character and he didn’t water down what that character is supposed to be

    13. Disappointed because in the Percy Jackson book it gives you emotions like I never felt before when reading and the movie just slightly moves you even if the story is the same.

    14. The director could be selfish or lazy and maybe just wants to rush or there isn’t enough resources to create the best come to life imagine the book provides so they skip it.

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