Telling Brooklyn Stories: ENG 1101: English Composition

active 10 years, 5 months ago
Telling Brooklyn Stories: ENG 1101: English Composition
This Course Profile is PRIVATE, but the Course Site is OPEN to all visitors.
Course Code
ENG 1101
Semester / Year
Fall 2011
Course Description

Brooklyn is a collection of neighborhoods and location, a microcosm of the world. This semester, in Telling Brooklyn Stories, we will explore Brooklyn through archives at the Brooklyn Historical Society, our own experiences walking through the City Tech vicinity, our speaking and listening, writing and reading, as well as through research and discussion on the new OpenLab digital platform.


This course was created by: Jody R. Rosen

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Comment on "Summary of “On the Trail of Brooklyn’s Underground Railroad”"

In his article "on the trails of Brooklyn's underground Railroad" published in October of 2007 in […] See MoreComment on "Summary of “On the Trail of Brooklyn’s Underground Railroad”"

Comment on "Essay #6"

Jefferson Carpio Professor Rosen English 1101 December 5, 2011 Reflection on Experience […] See MoreComment on "Essay #6"

Comment on "Summary of “On the Trail of Brooklyn’s Underground Railroad”"

A article titled ““On the Trail of Brooklyn’s Underground Railroad” by John Strausbaugh was pub […] See MoreComment on "Summary of “On the Trail of Brooklyn’s Underground Railroad”"