ENG1121 D435 Fall2019

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  • Introductions
  • #54749

    Amber Slater

    Hi class! Make sure that you have added a picture of yourself as your avatar.

    Please introduce yourself by replying with:
    – Your major
    – An interesting fact or two about you
    – If you could be a fictional character for a day, who would you be and why?

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by Amber Slater.

    Shannia Thomas

    My name is Shannia Thomas. My major is nursing. One interesting fact about me is I have 8 siblings. If I can be a fictional character I would be Spongebob Squarepants. He was one of my favorite characters and he such a happy character. He emotional, helpful, fun and smart which are things that describes me.



    My name is Melvin Berry and my major is Law and Paralegal Studies. One interesting fact about me is I love to watch Netflix all day on my free time besides working and doing homework. If I can be one fictional character it would be ADA Rafael Barba in Law and Order SVU. He is so bold and determined to get justice for the victims.



    My name is Joshua Deonarain, and my major is Computer Engineering. One interesting fact about me is that i love sports. If i can be one fictional character it would be Oliver Queen in Arrow. He is very serious and loves to work alone.


    Hadeel A

    Hello my name is Hadeel, and my major is law and paralegal studies. One interesting fact about me is that I’ve been playing basketball for 8 years. If I could be a fictional character for a day it would have to be Batman. I’ve chosen Batman because he’s rich and low key and that’s the wave.


    Brianna Bermudez

    Hi my name is Brianna, and my I’m majoring in human services. An interesting fact about me is I know a lot of different random facts. If I could be a fictional character for a day I’d be Alice from Alice in Wonderland. I’ve always been very curious about everything and I’d like to go on a weird adventure away from whats considered normal.



    My name is Todd, and my major is Communication Design. A couple of interesting facts about me is that I love to draw and I love video games. If I can be a fictional character, I’ll pick Ben 10. He acts like a Kid but at the end of the day he always comes through when it matters the most which I can respect


    Mykhal Parson

    Hi my name is Mykhal, and my major is Emerging Media Technology with a concentration in music/sound technology. Two interesting facts about me are that I make music, and I am technically a three time Super Bowl champion because of pee wee football. If I could be any fictional character for a day, I’d be Spider-Man because he’s strong and agile, and web swinging is definitely faster than taking the train.



    My name is Fahmid Chowdhury. Currently, I’m Undecided.
    An interesting fact about me is that I’m a big fan of Japanese comics and animation.
    A fictional character that I’d choose to be for a day would have to be Spider-Man because ever since watching the cartoons as a kid, I’ve always wanted to swing across the city. To me, swinging around the city seems to be more fun and free than just flying around as anyone else would choose to do.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by FahmidC.

    Daveed Roopnarain

    My name is Daveed, currently my major is computer information systems but that’s subject to change. I am a big fan of cars, mostly older Japanese cars, and I spent 4 years in a robotics club in high school, had the best time during it too. If I had to choose a character to be for a day I would choose a Takumi from Initial D because his day to day life revolved around cars so I’d pretty much get a chance to experience racing them down hills, around corners, etc. Seems like the perfect life to me.


    Trevian Brown

    Hello my name is Trevian, my major is computer information systems,
    One interesting fact about me was the I didn’t live my whole life in New York, I was born here, moved to Charlotte, North Carolina for most of my life, then moved back here. Another thing is I’m a big fan of music, specifically hip-hop and rap and I pretty much listen to it all the time. As a fictional character I want to be Morty from Rick and Morty, I choose him because I don’t really see myself as a leader but I’m really good at following instructions and acting on impulse, adding that to all that insane adventures Morty goes on adds up for an insane day in the life of.


    Kenny Cohetero

    Hello I am Kenny, my major is computer information systems but I am thinking of changing it to web design unsure yet. A fact about me interesting or not is that I like to collect things. Be it accessories, shoes or toys I love adding things to my shelf. I currently have a Gabriel Iglesias or Fluffy guy pop figure in my collection I’m proud of having, he’s kinda rare to get. Another fact about me is that I wasn’t born yet I was raised in the Bronx so I’m a bit of a hood rat. I would Omar from the wire, even Barack Obama said Omar was an interesting character. The Wire is something watch it if you can. But Omar man he’s something else I’d be him for the fun of it.



    Hi everyone,

    My name is Francky Occean, I’m majoring in computer systems. I love traveling, listening to music and watching TV. If I would be a fictional character I’d be Mr Bran, because he is really funny


    Thalia L. Frontani


    My name is Thalia Lloyd-Frontani, I’m majoring in Communication Design. An interesting fact is that I own 4 snakes. If I would be a fictional character, I would be either Batman or Iron man. I love an intelligent mind with a slick mouth. Plus they are billionaires with a goal, which is to protect. I see them as people with a big heart and mind.



    My name is Eva Amigon.
    My major is Information Computer Systems.
    I suffer from migraines 24/7.
    The fictional character I would be is Klaus Mikalson. He is from the show called The Originals he is also a hybrid. The reason I would be him is because he demands respect, loyalty, and entices fear into others.

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