ENG1121 D435 Fall2019

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  • Due 9/8 at 5PM: Analysis of an ad
  • #55052

    Amber Slater

    Hi all!

    Look at the chart on page 32. Pick an ad and write about the rhetorical situation (purpose, audience, rhetorical appeals, modes and media) and the genre conventions (common examples, style, design, sources).

    If the ad is a youtube video or a link, please post it! I haven’t figured out how to post pictures here yet, but if somebody does please let me know!



    Melvin Berry
    Analysis of an ad

    The rhetchical question is shopping in stores can be a struggle and a hassle. The purpose of this chewy.com’s add is to inform the public pet owners (the audience) to shop on chewy.com to get all the major brands shipped directly to your door for free with zero hassle of carrying all your pet supplies. The makers of chewy.com uses pathos to show the public pet owners of how much work and effort it takes to shop for your pet supplies in store. Chewy’s genre was to offer free shipping and access to all major brands. They use visuals such as a lady carrying a big bag of dog food from the store, and a delivery man carrying her pet supplies to her door. Their use of visual design and bright colors catches the public’s attention. Also, the tone used at the beginning of the ad saying “are you tired of carrying a big bag of cat food” captures most pet owners attention.



    (The link incase it was not attached in my previous post)



    Ashley Peren
    Analysis of an ad

    The rhetorical situation in these ads is the negative and long term effects of smoking. More specifically, these ads target the younger audience, teenagers and young adults. This is implied by how they chose to put a young female to buy cigarettes in the first ad and then show another young female smoking in the second one. People started noticing that these companies were using and targeting young adults to promote their products. So what better way to raise awareness than to put a commercial on TV? Both ads are informative and persuasive because by visually showing the audience the consequences of smoking, it makes the audience either want to stop smoking or to not try it all in the first place. The first ad graphically shows you how smoking can cause damage to your skin which is just one of the many things that come with smoking. Then the second ad shows the audience how smoking can make you age way quicker and who wants to do that? Another key factor would be how the employee said, “See you again” in the first ad. This leaves you with the information that tobacco is very addictive.
    These ads entice the audience by being graphic. To some people, it may even be disturbing to watch the first ad. But, that’s the whole point. The point is to scare the audience into not picking up a cigarette. This is also all part of the creator’s ethos. With that being said, the ads mode is a combination of visual, text and audio. The design of the video with the dark and dull colors play a role in the tone of the ads. Colors speak a language words just can’t replicate. In other words, they communicate with us on an emotional level and are thus more effective at persuasion. With the black and white in the second add and how dull the first ad is, it adds a serious and sad tone. I believe the composer chose this format because it’s way more effective and easy to visually show someone something like this. “You got to see it to believe it”, no? If this was a poster perhaps with just text, people wouldn’t even waste their time.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by Ashley.


    The rhetorical situation in this ad is the bad conceptions about women. Especially what are considered normal for men to do, and not when it comes about women. This ad target the female audience. The purpose of Nike, using Serena William voices, is to show that women can achieve what are seem to be difficult or crazy. It says: “If we (women) show emotion, we’re called dramatic,” “If we (woman) want to play against men, we’re nuts. “And if we dream of equal opportunity – delusional.”, “When we stand for something, we’re unhinged. When we’re too good there’s something wrong with us.”
    However, crazy can be more than what people think, and it only crazy until someone (female) does it. Making an exploit is also crazy and woman have to show what crazy can do.
    They use celebrity that a lot of people might know, who maybe used to struggle in the past, and Nike is very popular. which is the ethos. and the logos is that gender does not really matter, women can do things that used to consider for men. They use emotional tone to motivate the audience, bright color to captive anyone who’s watching.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by Francky.




    The rhetorical situation in Samsungs ad for their new phone, the Galaxy Note 10, is that a power user should have a powerful phone. The ad goes through a list to show some of what this new phone can do which showcases reasons why people should buy this phone in particular over other phones. With this phone’s improved S Pen, you can use the phone during work to move through slides by moving the stylus in the direction you want. With its 5G model, you can play games with amazing speed and connection as well as live-stream shows and movies. Samsung also adds in that you can get a full day’s worth of usage from just 30 minutes of charging. This kind of phone is mainly for the people who use their phone all day whether it’s for work or for entertainment, this phone will satisfy them. The ad uses a very light background throughout the video to clearly show the phone for people to see what it looks like. The ad also uses upbeat music to show that this is an exciting new thing that people should be excited for.



    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by FahmidC.

    Mykhal Parson

    The purpose of the commercial was to show people how two best friends became professional football players, and to tell others to achieve their dreams (“It’s only crazy until you do it”). Nike’s target audiences are football fans, Nike fans, young men who are football players as well. Nike is using pathos and ethos in order to deliver their message.
    Ethos is used by Nike because they are using popular football players who use their products (Odell Beckham Jr. and Jarvis Landry) to tell a great story. The friendship of the two best friends is used as pathos in order to inspire others to work as a team/to show that nothing can be done alone. Also, Nike uses piano music in order to invoke more emotions into its audience. This commercial uses three different modes, which are: visual, text, and audio. Nike uses football highlights, repeating text on two sides of a screen, and uses sentimental music. The medium that is being used is a digital medium (commercial/visuals). One common element that the commercial uses is (piano) music, similar to other sports commercials. Also, not too much text (concise sentences) is used in order to keep football as the main focus. Nike decided to create a third person commercial with an emotional tone to make the audience feel its emotions as well. The commercial featured a split screen design with the same text over both screens to have the audience pay equal attention to both players. Color isn’t too important until the end, when it is shown that both players are playing for the same team. Nike uses the two football players’ childhood pictures, as well as college/professional highlights in order to show how far their journey has come.


    Trevian Brown

    Trevian Brown

    The purpose of this advertisement is to inform current hulu users or new potential customers that Hulu has live sports. The audience is intended for people that watch sports. The rhetorical appeal is logos. Because in the advertisement all they say is that “Hulu has live sports”. That is a fact. The mode that they are using is a video so it would be a visual and audio. I feel like the composer used a video because just having it on a picture wouldn’t be enough to get the message that “Hulu has live sports”for the audience . They put players on a real football field in the advertisement. Which shows them playing sports then saying Hulu have live sports. And at the end of the advertisement the background is just like the media room after a football game but instead of a team it’s Hulu has live sports.Then they dump a bunch of money on the football player.In similar Hulu commercials they talk about Hulu and all the shows they have but still mention that Hulu have live sports.



    The purpose of this ad is to celebrate the 100th season of the NFL which is starting this week actually. The audience is for football fan but you can also say this is to bring in new viewers. The Rhetorical appeal is pathos. It shows players from the past and present that current NFL fans and old NFL fans can have a real connection to. The mode is visual(because it’s a commercial) but it can also be audio due to they mention certain stuff only football fans will get. The media is digital. The genre of convention is really interesting as they did a sort of rewind. They look back to iconic players and moments in the NFL. The style is in 3rd person and the tone is very happy and reminiscing. The design is a formal place but all hell break lose for a golden football. The source is off course the NFL players

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by Todd.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by Todd.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by Todd.


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by Todd.

    Joshua V


    The rhetorical question In this ad is the diversity within a clothing a brand. The purpose would be to buy River island clothes. The audience would be the general public. The designers of this ad used pathos by taking a picture of a diverse family is not a very common thing within clothing brands and it just catches your eye with one glance. River island genre was to offer a variety clothes whether it be adults or children. They use visuals by taking a picture of a modern family. Also the quote pretty much telling you that they aren’t a traditional family and it pulls you into the ad even more.


    Toni Ann

    The rhetorical situation in this ad is to highlight how every day life can get messy quick. The purpose of the Bounty paper towel ad is to depict how their paper towels are the ideal choice to cleanup every day messes and spills compared to their competitors. As their paper towels are more absorbent and faster to pick up spills, hence the slogan “the quicker picker upper”. The target audience in this ad are families. in the ad Bounty portrays how their paper towels will clean up these messes easily so that families can get back to spending quality time and creating memories together, instead of cleaning up. This is done through the use of rhetorical appeals such as; pathos to play on the audiences emotions and values regarding family and the use of ethos used to convey why bounty is the exemplary choice. The ad also makes use of visual and audible modes. Visual-The boy drops his dumpling thus knocking over the bowl which creates a mess and two separate brands of paper towels are use to clean up the mess and compared.( in this case bounty and the competitor). Audible- The father telling the child the dumpling is slipper, them screaming no, the sound of the sauce within the bowl spilling and the narrator stating why bounty is the better pick. All this is done through the use of digital medium.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by Toni Ann.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by Toni Ann.

    Brianna Bermudez

    For the rhetorical situation, the purpose of this ad is to promote the sneakers, Reebok. The company, Reebok is trying to persuade the audience, to buy their sneakers. The composer’s audience in this commercial is for anyone who wears sneakers, and anyone who is a fan of Cardi B since she appeared in the commercial. Reebok has used both ethos, and pathos for their rhetorical appeal. Ethos in the sense that they used a celebrity endorsement, Cardi B to promote their product. As for pathos, the commercial includes humor and sexual appeal towards her, her nails, her Reebok sneakers.Two types of modes were used, visual, and audio. The audience visually saw and heard the commercial. The composer most likely used digital and the modes explained as a more efficient way to promote it. More people for their target it are more online so it would just make sense to use visual, audio, on a digital device. As for the genre the composer decided to keep the fourth wall between the audience and the actors. The audience sees this from the third person point of view, with the language spoken being informal. The lighting made the set look colorful warm and inviting. There were no scholarly sources used of any kind.

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