ENG 1121 D440 Fall 2019

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  • Due 9/8 at 5PM: Analysis of an ad
  • #55053

    Amber Slater

    Hi all!

    Look at the chart on page 32. Pick an ad and write about the rhetorical situation (purpose, audience, rhetorical appeals, modes and media) and the genre conventions (common examples, style, design, sources).

    If the ad is a youtube video or a link, please post it! I haven’t figured out how to post pictures here yet, but if somebody does please let me know!


    Janice Chen

    Ad link – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YIpF1hlwm8
    Rhetorical Situation:
    1)Purpose – To make people download their app.

    2)Audience – People who have grammar problems.

    3)Rhetorical appeals –
    a)Grammarly it’s a big app that most of the people are using now to fix grammar (Ethos)
    b)Does not have a Pathos
    c) It really fixes your grammar problem by using it (Fact&Edvidence)

    4)Modes and Media- It is a video that convinces you to download the Grammarly app on an electronic device

    1)Common examples – It shows up on youtube most of the time before you start a video.

    2)Style – It shows you how can you make ur papers, emails, chat in a better wording and it also shows you when you spell a word wrong.

    3)Design – Grammarly color is mostly green. Green is a color that represents right and red is a color that represents wrong. So having green as their color will make you feel like it will make you have a good paper (personally opinion)

    4)Sources – No idea where they get their source from.



    Ad link – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-o_LI8-5oY
    1. Purpose – Have people buy their product.
    2. Audience – People that are afraid to talk to other people from close or feels uncomfortable because their breath might smell bad.
    3. Rhetorical appeals:
    Ethos – The cast is an actor that’s been around Hollywood and has been a part of many movies/ads/shows.
    4. Modes and Media – The video provides a visual of what it may look like and you won’t have to feel uncomfortable when you’re talking to someone from close, can still talk with confidence.

    1. Common examples: This can be seen when you’re watching tv.
    2. Style: Provides multiple examples and comes across multiple people with having no issues.
    3. Design – Since it was shot in an office environment the colors are gray, white and a little bit dark blue.
    4. Source – Don’t know.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by Anabil.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by Anabil.


    Ad Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=koPmuEyP3a0

    This is a bit of a different look in comparison to a general advertisement. They are trying to promote shaving cream by teaching boys how to be a better man in all aspects of life. Ultimately, they are trying to sell their product by giving out awareness in several issues in the world.

    Audience: For men and boys who are beginning to obtain facial hair.

    Rhetorical Appeals:
    Ethos – One of the most popular brands of shaving cream.
    Pathos – They try to connect with their audience and promote how to be a better man is not only shaving cream but treating people with respect.
    Logos – None.
    Modes and Media :
    The Ad utilizes video, audio, and text to convey a message of being a better man and that is what their product is about; to be a better man.

    Common Examples: This Ad is on YouTube, and begins to play in between videos.
    Style: To showcase being a man of respect and dignity will make you a better man. And that is what Gillette wants you to be, by using their product.
    Design: The sounds were conforming and worrying in the beginning and then uplifting in the end. They also began it with concerning issues in the world being treated poorly into ending it with how it should be treated.
    Source: The sources they used were based on the countless arguments and issues that the U.S is facing on toxic masculinity. Cat-calling, harassment, and bullying.

    Side Note: This commercial tries to connect with its audience by telling them how to be a better man. The problem with this commercial is from a marketing standpoint and not an ethical standpoint. Ethically, this is actually a good commercial. It provides awareness on issues the country is facing and trying to inspire men to teach their kids to be respectful(since they are the future). From a marketing standpoint, this is one of the few commercials such as the Kardashian/Pepsi commercial that doesn’t bode well. You cannot tell people to act a certain way if they use your product, or even insult your customers about them potentially being toxic. This puts division in your customer base which is the opposite of what an Ad should do. Since the conception of the We believe campaign, Gillette has lost 8 Billion dollars. It just wasn’t the right look for a company selling shaving cream.


    Osmaldy Zalazar

    Ad: https://youtu.be/8NTtiA6L5xU

    Purpose: to get people to get a Hulu membership

    Audience: people that are looking for a great streaming site to watch live sports or movies

    Rhetorical Appeals:

    Ethos: one most popular streaming sites

    Pathos: none
    Logos: none

    Mode and media:
    The video is convincing you to go and get a membership to you can watch live sports.

    Genre: this ad could be seen in YouTube

    Style : showcase that you could use Hulu to watch any live sports


    Yan Tao

    link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HB1EA0dl3bY

    Rhetorical Situation:
1. Purpose – To make people switch their internet to Fios
    2. Audience – People who have internet problems or looking for a better internet
    3. Rhetorical appeals
Ethos – One of the biggest interest provider

    Pathos – To make you feel your internet is bad if they can’t handle multiple device at the same time
    Logos – It can provide internet to multiple devices without a problem
    4. Modes and Media- Its a video consist of visual and audio

1. Common examples – It show up when you watching a video
    2. Style – It states how fios can easily provide internet to multiple devices and there is
    3. Design – The background is all white and people stand in the middle
    4. Sources – Not sure

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by Yan Tao.

    Tyler Pierre

    Video Link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whpJ19RJ4JY

    Rhetorical situations

    Purpose: To show the viewer the inequality between women and men sports.

    Audience: For everyone

    Rhetorical appeals:
    Ethos- Nike is one of the most successful sports brands in the world and All of the female Pro athletes in the video who have made their mark in sports culture

    Modes & Media: This Ad uses visuals and audio to show that there isn’t equality in sports between men and woman


    Common example: this video is shown on social media and television

    Style: The video used a serious tone while showing short clips of Female pro athletes who have made an impact on sports culture to show the issues other woman athletes have to go through.

    Design: The music that plays throughout the video gives it an inspirational vibe and uses a dark tone to give it serious feeling

    Source: Is documented history between women and men sports




    The purpose of this ad is to get people to eat healthy and train hard.

    The audience for this ad is for everyone

    Rhetorical Appeals:
    Ethos: The credibility is subway they are a big company that make fresh foods like sandwiches and salads.

    Mode and media:
    The mode in this ad is visual and written. The media is not shown in this ad, but I guess it could be shown on a billboard or television.

    The sentence in this ad as short and straight forward

    The tone of this ad is formal, they use simple words.

    The ad shows images, bright food colors, and big letters.
    I think the source in this ad is the woman she might be an athlete.



    AD Link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLxd1CWYsNE

    Purpose : To get people to subscribe to their website.

    Audience : College Students

    Rhetorical Appeals:
    Ethos: It has helped a lot of college students getting their work done.
    Logos: It shows how most college students have roommates and they tend to be annoying, which results in not being able to concentrate and getting their work done. Shows how much easier it is to use their service to finish their work.

    Modes and Media: It uses audio and video.

    Common Example: Shows up on social media, and video streaming platforms. If you have ever searched or typed ‘college’ anywhere, then it will most likely pop up.

    Style: It shows a alternative way to getting your work done faster when you’re in a rush.

    Design: It shows the people in a college dorm and also shows how one of the student is annoying the other.

    Source: … I believe it’s because most college students procrastinate and then blame it on their roommates and such.


    MTA Fare Evasion Ad

    Rhetorical Situation:
    1. Purpose: the publisher is trying to tell all New Yorkers to pair the regular fair of $2.75 rather than avoid it and potentially get a ticket of $100
    2. Audience: Every New Yorker
    3. Rhetorical Appeals:
    – Ethos: MTA (Metropolitan Transportation Authority) a well know company for transportation
    – Pathos: Guilt for those who don’t pay the fares
    – Logos: None
    4. Modes and Media: A visual poster

    1. Common Elements: Seen on the subway train
    2. Style: that it’s best to pay the fare than the ticket
    3. Design: White background with black and purple font colors and the MTA logo on the bottom right corner saying “Don’t get a ticket. Please pay the fare”


    MTA Fare Evasion

    Rhetorical Situation:
    1. Purpose: the publisher is trying to tell all New Yorkers to pair the regular fair of $2.75 rather than avoid it and potentially get a ticket of $100
    2. Audience: Every New Yorker
    3. Rhetorical Appeals:
    – Ethos: MTA (Metropolitan Transportation Authority) a well know company for transportation
    – Pathos: Guilt for those who don’t pay the fares
    – Logos: None
    4. Modes and Media: A visual poster

    1. Common Elements: Seen on the subway train
    2. Style: that it’s best to pay the fare than the ticket
    3. Design: White background with black and purple font colors and the MTA logo on the bottom right corner saying “Don’t get a ticket. Please pay the fare”
    4. None



    Video link – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whpJ19RJ4JY&feature=share
    This video advertisement is a bit different to a general advertisement. Nike is trying to persuade females to take a stand for equality in sports.
    For females as a primary audience and males as a secondary audience.
    Rhetorical appeals:
    Ethos- one of the most popular brands of sport wear gear.
    Pathos- they try to persuade females to stand up for equality in sports and quotes “ it is only crazy until you do it” “ just do it”.
    Modes and media:
    The advertisement utilized video, audio and there famous slogan to to persuade females to take a stand.
    Common example- this ad is on YouTube and begins to play in between videos.
    Style- showcases motivational speech to get one active and that’s what nike and their famous slogan means to just do it.
    Design- opens up with a scene of a woman crying and scenes start playing where females are behind discredited in sports and are called crazy, delusional, and dramatic, and then positively start conveying the message of the video. They begin playing violins in the background and a encouraging quote at the end which states “ it’s only crazy until you do it”.
    Source- the sources they used were Serena Williams voice sending the message and inspirational speech about her having a baby and still coming back for more.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by RONALD PERLA.

    Iris Olmos

    CUNY Late Registrations

    Rhetorical Situation:
    1. Purpose: To make continuing students apply to CUNY because there’s still time.
    2. Audience: Every college student or high school graduate choosing to continue their education.
    3. Rhetorical Appeals:
    Ethos: CUNY a high known college .
    Pathos: Fear that they won’t have classes for you major available.
    Logos: none.
    4. Modes and Media:This Ad is trying to convince every student to apply for 2019 fall semester.

    1. Common example: This ad is featured on the train which makes it be seen by everyone who wants to apply to college.
    2. Style: It’s Assertive, making you feel motivated to get up and do the application.
    3. Design: they put an alarm clock with the word “LATE” making us know that it is not late to register.
    4. Sources: CUNY Direct Admission.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by Iris Olmos.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by Iris Olmos.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by Iris Olmos.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by Iris Olmos.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by Iris Olmos.

    Kevin Martinez

    Ad: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOVkEHADCg4
    1. Purpose – To have kids follow/chase there dreams
    2. Audience – For everyone
    3. Rhetorical appeals:
    Ethos – Nike is one of the top sports brands in the world and they used world famous pro athletes both female and male to get there point across.
    4. Modes and Media – The ad uses visual and audio to show that if you follow your dream that anything is possible and don’t let the world change you, but that you have to change the world.
    1. Common examples: This ad can be seen on tv, youtube most of the time also anywhere in social media.
    2. Style: The video used a serious tone because it showed a girl trying to see what it will be like to be a world famous soccer player so it shows here holding the hand of multiple famous female soccer athletes in different scenarios, the tone is also trying to get people inspired and motivated to follow there dreams.
    3. Design – The video shows the girl in the tunnel before she steps on to the soccer field, then you see her inside the locker room, in the gym, coming off the airplane, in a photo shoot as well as in the sidelines as a coach with music playing in the background with some fans screaming and one person narrating the game.
    4. Source – The source is having Lieke Martens talking to the girl in the tunnel before she steps out to the field with her.



    Ad link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9ySyd8SvRw

    Rhetorical Situations:
    1) Purpose – To persuade viewers to purchase their newer model of cars.

    2) Audience – Individuals who enjoy sport cars, but also reliable.

    3) Rhetorical appeals –
    a) Ethos: Subaru is a very popular car brand being a Japanese company, extremely lightweight, and reliably built.
    b) Pathos: The ad causes a build-up of excitement and desire. After watching the performance of the vehicle, it makes people want it more.
    c) Logos: Since Subaru is a well-known company, they prove their handling through professional stunt drivers.

    4) Modes and Media – This ad provides teases, dramatic audio as the gears change (showing the sound of a sports car), and professional drivers making viewers picture themselves in their product.

    1) Common elements – It is shown on television and ad breakers

    2) Style – The style of the ad is to inspire and create desire. It is meant for individuals that enjoy sports cars and “coolness”.

    3) Design – The design of the ad was very simple. Showing the exterior and interior of the vehicle, the capability of the vehicle through driving, and the stats of the vehicle stock in basic white letters. It is important to notice that no words have been spoken in the ad and the audio creates suspense.

    4) Sources – Subaru

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