ENG 1101 Fall 2020 OL20 (26956)

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  • Point of View Who is the narrator?
  • #67263

    Prof. Masiello

    1. What is meant by point of view in stories? (It does not mean someone’s opinion.)

    2. Can you think of any stories, any novels or short stories, you have read that are told by a character within the story?

    3. Please name some and whose POV (point of view) is used.

    4. Can you think of any movies you have seen where a character’s POV is used?

    5. How is POV done in a film?

    6. Can you name any movies that demonstrated POV?

    In a typical story for children, the narrator knows everything. He is omniscient, God-like, and knows everything. This is called an omniscient narrator. The narrator will refer to characters using the third person, he and she.

    Please remember that film and novel titles are italicized and short story titles use quotation marks. Use this correctly in your responses.

    In more challenging stories authors often challenge us by telling the story through a character, someone who cannot be everywhere and cannot know everything.

    If the main character is a narrator he or she will use the pronoun “I.”

    7. Which short stories do you remember having read in previous English classes?

    Short stories are meant to be read in one sitting (unlike a novel) and usually have only one plot, just a few characters, and often have a surprise ending.

    Think of the old TV show

      The Twilight Zone

    . The stories were under 26 minutes and had surprise endings.



    1) Point of view in stories to me is a story being told from another persons perspective with there own thoughts and opinions on a certain matter.
    2) I’m not sure if this counts but “The catcher in the rye” is a story that I have read that is told by a character
    3) It’s Holden Caufields pov
    4) A movie that comes to mind when it’s about point of view is “SAW”
    5) In saw Pov was done in a way where you get the victims pov on why there in the situation there at and you get the pov of the mastermind behind everything and how he kidnaps people and puts them in traps as a way for them to cherish their life.
    6) Another movie that demonstrated pov was “Halloween” and how the killer becomes who he is and how his trauma affected him mentally
    7) I remember reading “Interpreter of Maladies” by Jhumpa Lahiri which i personally thing is an classic just like “the namesake”


    Jaida Clouden

    1. In stories, Point of View is the feeling and perspective of a certain character in that story. The character shows the world in their own eyes and brings us along their journey. Point of View is basically the view point of a character.
    2. Yes, I can think of some novels that I have read that are told by a character in the story.
    3. The Percy Jackson novels are told by the main character Percy in the stories. I know that comic books are books where the characters speak their story and tells us exactly what happens.
    4.Yes, I can think of a movie where a character’s point of view was used. The Movie The Kissing Booth demonstrates the characters point of view in certain situations.
    5. POV is done in a film by making the character look as if we were seeing things from their own eyes. The camera angles also show what the characters is looking at, as if it was in a point of view form.
    6. Movies that have demonstrated POV are probably horror movies. The camera angles show you a vision of someone looking at another, but nobody is actually around. Those scenes are focused on point of view of secondary characters which are usually the antagonists of the film.
    7. I can’t really think of short stories. I remember reading them, but I forgot the names of them.



    1) In a story, the point of view means from what person’s eyes the story is being told. For example: there is first person point of view, which is when the story is being told by one of the main characters, and they use “I”. There is 3rd person point of view, when the story is being narrated using “he” or “she”. and there is also second person point of view (which is less common). In second person point of view, the story is told using “you” or “your”. It’s kind of like the writer is trying to make you a character in the story.

    2/3) A story I can think of that is told by a character within the book is “The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time” by Mark Haddon. This story is told by the point of view of the main character, Christopher. What makes the book more interesting is the fact that Christoper has autism, so it’s different than most stories told by the main character.

    4) If by a character’s point of view you mean seeing what the person is literally seeing, I can think of any specific movies but I know that a lot of horror movies use this technique, specially Japanese horror movies.

    5) Point of view in movies are made so that it is as if you are a character in the movie. You are not literally seeing through the character’s eyes, but it is as if you are a non- interactive character. However, in some films, I have seen that sometimes they try to make the camera as if you are literally looking though a character’s eyes.

    6) I’m pretty sure all movies use some sort of point of view, but one film I can particularly think of with this question is “inception”.

    7) Some short stories I remember reading in previous English classes are “The Story of an Hour”, “The Tell-Tale Heart”, and “The Necklace”. I know there are many more but those two are the ones that come to mind.



    1.Point of view is the perspective of which a story is being told.

    2.Yes I can think of a novel that I have read that is told by a character within the story.


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Brianna.


    4.Yes I can think of a movie where a character’s point of view is used.
    5.In a film the camera takes us along with the character to see things the character is seeing as if we are there.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Brianna.

    Asif Khan

    1.) A point of view can be described as whose perspective we are seeing. We can be in the point of view of a murderer, or as the victim. It makes a book more interesting because you can have a sense of how multiple people are feeling in a span of more or less than a page.
    2 and 3.) Yes. The book “You” by Caroline Kepnes displays the point of view of a psychopathic killer who falls in love with a college student.
    4.) Yes. In 17 Again, we see everything through Zac Efron’s eyes. We see his family from his eyes. We also see his mistakes made from his point of view.
    5.) POV in film shows us exactly what the character is seeing and feeling. As if they have a camera attached to their head so we can see exactly what they are seeing.
    6.) Other than 17 Again, I don’t really remember seeing POV in any other movies.
    7.) In my high school, I remember reading “The Black Cat” by Edgar Allan Poe, I remember it being about an alcoholic who tortures and kills his cat, then another identical cat drives him insane.


    Wei Ni

    1. What is meant by point of view in stories? (It does not mean someone’s opinion.)
    A point of view is the person who’s telling the story, for example the main characters point of view, or the side characters point of view.

    2. Can you think of any stories, any novels or short stories, you have read that are told by a character within the story?
    Yes, The Great Gatsby is told by Nick’s point of view, because he refers to himself as “I”. Another story that has point of view is Fault in our Stars, the story is told by Hazel’s point of view to let readers get into their head.

    3. Please name some and whose POV (point of view) is used.
    The Great Gatsby, Fault in our Stars are only a few books that I know.

    4. Can you think of any movies you have seen where a character’s POV is used?
    I don’t really watch movies or shows or TV so I can’t think of any shows with character’s POV.

    5. How is POV done in a film?
    A POV can be done in film with the camera positioned on the person telling the story, like if someone was jumping out of a plane, you would only see their arms falling through the sky, it’s first person view allowing the viewers to experience what the character is experiencing.

    6. Can you name any movies that demonstrated POV?
    Hardcore Henry is the only one I know. I never watched it but I know it’s demonstrated in POV.

    7. Which short stories do you remember having read in previous English classes?
    The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Wei Ni.


    1. A point of view is the view in which who and how the story is being told.

    2/3. Yes, the book, and movie “the outsiders” by S.E. Hinton were told through the main character ponyboy.

    4. Again the movie “The Outsiders” was told through the point of view of ponyboy.

    5. There are many ways for p.o.v to be portrayed in a film. One example is in the introduction of the film the main character can be talking in the background explaining how they will relive past events to tell a story or another way would be going back and forth through the present and past memories of the protagonist.

    6. The movie “Big Fish” by Tim Burton was viewed through the main protagonist which was the son but he also was going through the point of view of his father’s past life.

    7. I vividly remember “The Monkey’s Paw” which was about a monkey paw that would grant any wish you wanted but came with a heavy price especially if used selfishly and recklessly.



    1) The point of view is from who is telling the story. It can be the character’s point of view or the author’s point of view.
    2) The book “Ashfall” by Mike Mullin is being told from the main character.
    3) The main character in “Ashfall” is Alex Halprin, who is explaining what is going on around him.
    4) The movie “Karate Kid” is told from the character’s point of view.
    5) The actor acts like the main characters, giving off feelings, thoughts, and actions. The point of view is made in order from the beginning of how the character is being introduced and how he/she life is going.
    6) The movie “Jaws” demonstrates the point of view from the characters.
    7) In my school, we didn’t really read short stories as much most recent book was the “Death of a salesman.”


    Ashley Adhar

    1. Point of View in stories is from whose eye’s is the story being told from or whose perspective is it shown from. Often in stories, the point of view usually comes from the main character/person as they are telling the story for what they have seen. There are different types of point of view. For example, first person point of view deals with when “I”, the person is telling the story. Second person point of view is when the story is told by someone to you. Third person point of view is when the writer chooses to use “he” or “she” to tell the story.
    2. Yes
    3. The book “For Laci” by Sharon Rocha is told from the perspective of Sharon as she goes through her story of loss when her daughter was murdered and trying to show how her daughter really was like. The book “Hidden bodies” is told from the perspective of Joe, a murderer as his crimes and past come back to him.
    4. I’ve seen a few movies from where a character’s point of view is used. The movie, “The Roommate is told from Sara as her roommate shows signs of obsession. “Secret Obsession” is shown from the point of view of Jennifer as she wakes up with amnesia and does not remember many things.
    5. In a film, point of view is shown by displaying what the character is looking at or feeling through the camera. In a film, one can usually feel what the character is going through in a sense.
    6. In the movie, “Players ” point of view was demonstrated. Along with this movie, a lot of the horror movies, I watched have demonstrated point of view.
    7. I remember reading a few short stories but I do not remember the names of them.



    1. In stories, the point of view is the outlook in which a story is told. For example, stories are always written from three different point of views, first, second, and third person point of view. First person is written from the author’s point of view, second person is written to address the readers while third person is written from the character or narrator’s perspective.

    2. Yes I can think of novels that I’ve read that are told by a character within the story.

    3. “Lost and Found” by Anne Schraff is told from the main character Darcy Wills point of view. In the story Darcy talks about the obstacles that she goes through at home and at school throughout her sophomore year of high school.

    4. A movie that I can think of that is seen through the character’s point of view is ” Nappily Ever After”. Where the movie is shown through the main character Violet Jones eyes. Through her view point, we are able to see the struggles that she faces in accepting her natural hair.

    5. In films, POV are done through the characters outlook. With the audience seeing the movie through the characters eyes we are able to see, feel, and understand their emotions and actions.

    6.Movies that demonstrated POV is ” The Lovely Bones” and ‘Cleveland Abduction” which are both told from third person point of view.

    7. I have not read short stories throughout my previous English classes but mostly novels.

    *I was not able to put the film and novel titles in Italic because my computer doesn’t give me the option to do so



    POV in stories is the writer’s way of telling a story. The writer can tell his story in three POV, first person, second person, and third person. First person uses words like I, me, or my in the story it’s usually told by the character in the story. Second person uses words like you or your. Lastly, a third person uses words like he/she or his/her. “The Great Gatsby” is told by Nick Carraway and he is the neighbor of the protagonist Jay Gatsby. The story is told by Nick Carraway and he used First person POV in the story. In the first “Iron Man” movie we get to see Tony stark POV the whole time. In film POV is usually done by showing the story of the protagonist. For example, in “Iron Man” we get to see when he was taken by a terrorist group. In the sequel “Iron man 2”, the producers showed us Tony stark POV. During highschool I remember reading “The Great Gatsby”.


    Jakia W

    Point of view in stories is the way how the story is told. The story can be told from the character’s perspective (1st person) or the narrator perspective (3rd person). Stories I have read that are told by a character within the story are: The Great Gatsby – Nick POV ,To Kill a Mockingbird – Scout POV, The Lighting Thief – Percy POV, and the Red Queen series – Mare POV. A movie I’ve seen where a character POV is used is The Lorax – Once-ler POV. POV is done in a film by having the camera mainly on the main person. The camera show what the character is looking at, have the character express how they feel, focus on the character facial expressions, and etc. A short story I remember reading in previous English classes is “The Lady or the Tiger?”.



    1) Point of views in stories are very interesting. They help readers picture the readings in specific ways. Some books are written with first person views and third person views allowing the readers to understand how each character feels versus the overall view among all the characters.

    2-3) Yes there are stories, novels, and other texts that I have read that are told by a character within the story. One novel I have read told in the characters point of view is “The Sun Also Rises” by Ernest Hemingway. In the novel it is told in the point of view of the character Jake. The reason it was written in first person was to show how the Character felt about all his friends and personal life experiences. Another novel I read was the “Lord of The Flies” by William Golding which was written in third person to show the reader the struggles the kids had to go through from a point of view that wasn’t biased.

    4) A movie where a characters point of view is used is “Deadpool.”

    5) The point of view is done in films by showing all the problems the character has to face and the use of camera angles as well as settings. Movies in first person point of view tend to have camera angles where it shows the characters emotions vividly.

    6) Movies that demonstrated point of view is “8th Grade.”

    7) A short story I remember reading in an English class was “Lamb to the Slaughter.”

    ( I wasn’t sure how to italicize words on openlab so I put them in quotes for now).

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