COMD3633, Advanced Strategies in Illustration, SP20

active 3 years, 11 months ago
COMD3633, Advanced Strategies in Illustration, SP20
This Course is OPEN.
Communication Design
Course Code
COMD 3633
Semester / Year
Spring 2020
Course Description

This course is designed to prepare the student for entry into the professional world of illustration. Development of a portfolio demonstrating a high level of skill and a personal style, as well as the ability to discuss the work in formal and conceptual terms is the primary focus. Additionally, the student will be introduced to a variety of professional practices and develop a familiarity with the local, regional and national scenes. The portfolio contents should demonstrate the student’s versatility and advanced skills while demonstrating consistency in presentation. This course is broken into 4 course goals: Portfolio Development , Professional Skills , Business Practices , Authorship


This course was created by: Sara Gómez Woolley

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