AFR1130 Africana Folklore Fall 2018

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  • Identity
  • #50203


    Statement: “A person must choose the type of person she/he wants to be.”
    Question: Do you think that a person, particularly a person of color in the United States of America, can freely make that choice for herself/himself in today’s society? Why or Why not? Please respond to at least two other respondents.

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by kmaynard.

    Kamillah Collins

    To answer the question ‘Do you think that a person, particularly a person of color in the United States of America, can freely make that choice for herself/himself in today’s society?’ I’d say the answer is yes and no. Yes, because in a lot of ways people of color aren’t oppressed to the extent that we once were. We can get an education, buy homes, vote and even run for office. We can choose our career paths and break barriers. But at the same time, no people of color aren’t allowed to do a lot of things. Stereotypes that follow people of color have stifled us in a lot of ways. In different aspects of society, there tends to be a glass ceiling placed one people of color where we can’t always shake. There is a lot of judgment placed on people of color for how we wear our hair, the way in which we dress, even how we talk. This limits some aspects of our freedom because we can’t be ourselves without facing judgment.



    Do you think that a person, particularly a person of color in the United States of America, can freely make that choice for herself/himself in today’s society?
    My response would be yes because in today’s society a person of color have a choice that they could freely make for themselves, they could do what they desire. Like get an education to get a great paying job, they work for the government, they could even participate in the politics, vote , run for an election, they can even own a business, even their own a company.
    But also in today’s society a person of color may make a choice based on the pressure of society and they may make a choice on what they are told.



    Do you think that a person, particularly a person of color in the United States of America, can freely make that choice for herself/himself in today’s society? Why or Why not?
    To answer this, I’d say yes and no at the same time. Yes, reason being, we as people of color can set our minds to achieve goals and conquer whatever crosses our path. Then at the same time, it’s still no because, in the end, it’s a white person we always have to respond to. The phrase “A boss has a boss” is the reason for my ‘no’ because your boss of color will then have to answer to someone else. Whites tend to limit the success of the blacks and put their race first. Therefore a black person tends to make choices to be accepted by another race to elevate themselves.



    My answer to this question is yes. United States of America is way better than back then. Reading the history and watching of some past videos about the struggle of the persons of color in this country and by comparing those struggle to the current situation, we can state that things are changing in the good way. For instance, in the past a good diploma could not make a person of color to break through the glass ceiling, he/she could get a good diploma and still being underemployed. But many of those discriminating situations are less likely to happen to these days. Things are getting more positive, which mean that anybody can be anything, people are tending to value the intellect than the color. Andrew Gillum, the young mayor of Tallahassee can be a case in point. He is a non-wealthy person of color who recently won the democratic nomination for governor of Florida in an upset victory because he was running against the multi-millionaires persons. I am not saying that this country is clean from racism and discrimination, but I am emphasizing the fact that things are way better, hence people of color have the greater possibility of being anything they want to be.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by MDabo.


    I believe that the everyone has the choice of deciding the route they would like to take in their life even African american males or females. Even though the African american minority is socially challenged meaning they are looked down on and misjudged that does not mean they dont have a shot just like everyone else. Here in the united states everyone is entitled to a free education but some people will deny themselves from seizing the opportunity. Some may feel like school is a waste of time where others may look at it like a way out and for African Americans the ones that have followed and believed in the educational system have went far. Look at David Brewster for example better known for his stage name Dave East. His dreams of success started out wanting to be the best basketball player Harlem had ever seen. But his father was heavy on his grades as well and even knew Dave wanted to run the streets with his boys he realized he had a father and mother and his friends didnt. He held their advice gaining basketball scholarships to college coming straight of Harlem a poverty filled area. Even though basketball didnt work he was able to become one of the greatest young rappers NY has seen because he never gave up and made the choice he wanted to be a success. Just like his mentor Nas an eight grade drop out who is now one of the biggest realtors of New York today. Everyone has the choice of success others may take it and others may neglect is but the opportunity is there for everyone.


    Chowdhury Hashmee

    Statement: “A person must choose the type of person she/he wants to be.”
    Question: Do you think that a person, particularly a person of color in the United States of America, can freely make that choice for herself/himself in today’s society? Why or Why not? Please respond to at least two other respondents.

    My answer to this topic will be both yes and no. Yes, a person can be whatever he wants to be in this society. it is a freedom that everyone has in our society today. Although people will ask questions about someone’s way of life. But that won’t stop someone from being himself/herself. Now people of different colors are living in NYC and working together. There are places in NYC where there are many types of cultures. But people are living together, working together. That’s the freedom everyone in our society. No, because some of our parents have power over us. In some of our cultures, we do what our parents told us to do. Especially Indian parents who told their children what to do, what not to do, what to be in the future. This where freedom is fading away from a person. Religion also affects people’s freedom by setting the rules and regulations. Freedom has no rules. Freedom is something which a person thinks is right or wrong for him or herself.



    I believe a person can choose what they want to be and what they want to do with their lives. As a minority I also do believe that the journey can take longer due to the circumstances that we face in our society. It seems scary for myself to be the first one to be able to attend college and have an amazing job, because you never know the kinds of things you will face during the time you are trying to succeed. I am always worried if my ethnicity can ever get in the way of my success or if people will exclude me just because of who I am. However with time my thoughts on that has changed and I am aware of who I truly am and that this will always be part of my identity. I set that aside and show it off where ever I go. I learned to grow a thicker skin to not let racist comments not get to me like it used to. We can get anywhere we want in life and still have our identity set out for the world to see. It is something we should not be ashamed of and rather embrace it.


    Judith Sihibdeen

    This is one of the responses I agreed with, a yes and no answer because although we are allowed to do certain things like getting an education and the ability to buy a home, there are still certain areas where we are still being discriminated against as the writer states “there is still a stereotype that follow people of color. Hence the reason a definite YES or NO answer can’t be said.



    People with color or no color, those not meter. people must stand up and have a voice. this i agree



    Do you think that a person, particularly a person of color in the United States of America, can freely make that choice for herself/himself in today’s society? I agree because a particular person has the rights to do anything like be educated, get a high paying job, working for the government and buy properties. But I somewhat disagree a little because in some places people are disrespectful to other’s for example there race and acnesity. For example as an Indian I am proud of my culture and proud to be Indian but some places I get discriminated. One of them being their airport, I know it’s there job to check on everyone but each time I travel they always put me on the side and interrogate me. Until they know I’m visiting relatives or going on vacation. In some cases you do get freedom but some places you don’t.


    Chantel Jones

    Question: Do you think that a person, particularly a person of color in the United States of America, can freely make that choice for herself/himself in today’s society?

    Yes, we are not as oppressed as we once were. We are able to do the things our ancestors only dreamed of read, write, create or innovate. This does not relinquish the fact that people of color still deal with racism, micro aggression and colorism. In our society every accomplishment that is done is undervalued because stereotypes are seen first and the character of the person second. As a whole, I believe people are capable of becoming the best versions of themselves despite discrimination. As people progress stereotypes should continue to be debunked and less relevant.




    • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by MDabo.


    Statement: “A person must choose the type of person she/he wants to be.”
    Question: Do you think that a person, particularly a person of color in the United States of America, can freely make that choice for herself/himself in today’s society? Why or Why not?

    United States is free country where everything has its own freedom and its own limits, my answer for that question is yes . That person can freely make a choice for them self’s in today’s society as long as he/she wont be breaking any rules or wont be dangerous to other people, just because you’re different color it doesn’t mean others gets more power or privilege.



    In today society many people are discriminated around the world. Particularly in the United States many people of color has been views as outsiders. As a result they are treated different from the “white man”. You can see this today, particularly white teenagers with these massive shooting in all over the country. If a black man would do this we would be sentenced to life or even the death penalty. However, the idea that The United States of America is the land of free and people should be able to chose their profession it’s true. But I’ts the land of the capitalist so with the right motives therefore a color man can achieve a “higher status of power”

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