ADV1100 Graphic Design Principles 1

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  • Final Critique!
  • #16324




    Ryan Samaroo

    @Tiffany I like your reference in which it was successfully used in your freestudy. i see that there is figure-ground relationship. The blue was successfully used to create a focal point. Overall, good job.

    @Yuliya unity was successful in your freestudy, everything well well drawn and planned out. I like how you used the perpective as you being he student looking up to the teacher who is reading the book. The reference was also a creative idea using your bag to create the palette and color was well planned out with the study.

    @Lee the illustration is very good, which make is a successful concept. You basically sent out the message of kids watching there fav t.v. show in which in this case it’s star wars, which makes this economy. With the colors used I think painting it will make it stand out even more.


    Ryan Samaroo

    Freestudy & Reference

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