3 thoughts on “Final Composition by Anath-El

  1. Jayla Cintron

    Great Job! I like the way the colors compliment each other in all of them and making one of your eyes a different color makes it stand out more and adds extra emphasis to the entire thing

  2. Nathalie Quito

    When I see this, I think of the Edgar Allen Poe’s story “A Tell-Tale Heart,” where he is troubles yet curious of the old mans eye. I think this layout and your choices of color definitely give off a feeling since it reminded me of a specific kind of story. You can definitely tell which experiments are stronger than others based off of where you placed the colors.Having your background green (and be the lighter shade) definitely helps the blue pop out. In addition, the red definitely stands out the most out of the two. The piece you chose out of all your experimentations is definitely one of the strongest one. Having your focus (the eye) be red (which is the complementary color of green) is a great way to make it stand out the most, making this the most effective piece, in my opinion. Looks great!

  3. Melanie

    Your project came out so good! I love how all the colors match each other, its really appealing to the eye. The way the colors are set up really emphasis’s your facial features.


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