At the start of this project I knew this was going to be a challenge for me to do knowing that I have never really tried or succeeded in painting. This is the color wheel that I have made which I slowly started to realized and appreciate the colors that the primary colors can make going all around the wheel. Each of the big boxes are 1.5″ x 1.5″ and the other smaller squares being 1″x1″ resulting in 16 squares in total to complete the color wheel.

After completing the color wheel, the second part of the project was to understand complimentary colors, which colors go with the other. This part of the project we had to create boxes that were 1.25″x 1″ in order to show the two complimentary colors and the color that they make if they were mixed together.

After completing the complimentary color section we later had to focus on the Analogous ( Blue to Purple ), Monochromatic (Orange/Brown to a darker shade), Triad (Red to Yellow), and Split Complimentary (being purple to yellow). Doing this part of the project really made me realize that color is complicated and an important feature in paintings.

This project, I’ve had a rough start from creating the boxes to spending a lot of time trying to figure out what colors I wanted to choose for the Color Palette. In the end this project has taught me that there are so much colors and so many other shades that create other unique colors. It has also taught me that I should be more patient when it comes to painting because it is a skill that one has to master by being gentle and patient.