For this project, I practiced the value range with a 5B pencil. Using one pencil, create nine different shades ranging from black to white. For the second part of discover I took picture of my hand and used Photoshop to modify the posterize level to somewhere between 5-7.

When I chose my landscape image, I wanted it to have a full range of values. After posterizing the image (mine is on level 6), you can clearly distinguish the multiple levels of grey. I defined and numbered different value ranges after printing the image in black and white to help me with painting. I then traced the image on tracing paper and transferred it on Bristol paper. I painted the landscape from white to black so that I could build on the white by adding a little black paint at a time. Starting with white paint was a little easier for me than starting with black paint.

I didn’t have gouache paint on hand for this project, so I used acrylic paint instead. I discovered that using a little paint spatula to blend color was better  because  using the brush, it would continue to hold unmixed paint residue.

A hand with rings on it

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A dock with boats on the water

Description automatically generated A lighthouse on a dock Description automatically generated