Anmol K. Dhamrait | E054 | Fall '23

Curious Compositions

The final concepts that drove my curiosity were the brain and autism. The two are connected due to autism being a cognitive disorder that causes individuals to have difficulty communicating and interacting with others. Their brains are wired to perform unusual acts and behave stranger than the normal human. This draws my curiosity because we often find autistic people with exceptional skills and sometimes great intelligence. What part of the brain is being activated to cause this and is it just an overcompensation for one specific part of the brain?

This was my mind map.

It was difficult depicting anything about the brain or autism. Austism doesn’t have a distinctive look and I didn’t know where to go with the brain.


Reflection: I think the project would’ve been easier if I landed on simpler topics but it was a good challenge. I can improve on how I ink the illustrations and go with more outside of the box ideas.

1 Comment

  1. Fahima

    I like how you adjusted the puzzle drawing to illustrate Autism.

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