“Deceitful Eyes” by Snow Strippers is the song I chose for this project. A friend of mine put me onto Snow Strippers several months ago. They’re an EDM band, so there aren’t many instruments, more just random sounds combined with lyrics. Personally, I find this song to be echoey but sharp; like in the beginning of the song. So,to depict sharpness I would use the shape of stars or sharp angles. To depict the echoey feeling to the song, I would use squiggles. The sounds in the song are different, personally I can’t put a word on the sounds specifically. So, there’s only so much I can say about it. 

Develop: My first attempt and creating these designs was diving straight into it. I started with the twelve boxes. As previously mentioned, I thought the song had a duality of sharp and echoey sounds, so I drew some boxes with sharp angles, like the top two; the star and the DNA looking form, or some with smoother lines; like bottom right; squiggles, and third row with eyes. The idea with the eyes came from the title of the song.

Deliver: The second photo are the six that I chose to be my final design. It was definitely fun to work on. It’s not really new to me since I tend to come up with my own art based on what I listen to. The difference is I’m drawing lines and shapes, not people. But that did give me a bit of a new outlook on creating elements.