These were my first sketching’s from the song that I have heard. The song that I have chosen was “Haciendo que me amas” by Bad Bunny. In this song I was mainly focused on the acoustic sound of the guitar in the background and how it is being played in order to somewhat match the energy of the singer. This song I choose to play when I am in need to get in a thought or mode to do a certain thing like do homework or just to go into deep thinking.

For my final choices, I wanted to project the mood of the song by the sound waves that the guitar is being played in and give a smooth soft design. The line weights are dark in most of the drawings because of how the message of the song is being brought to the audience to sort of say “I am broken” or ” I am hurt”. It allows the listener to be brought in and listen to the song and feel the beach house vibe to it.