Class Info

  • Date: Thursday, September 7th, 2023
  • Meeting Info: P125


Composition: The formal organization of elements in a composition arranged according to principles that will support the communication of the concept.


Frame: This boundary (rectangle, square, circle) is represented by the edges of the paper or the margins drawn within.


Shape: Created by a line (contour) or a grouping of points, it is an area that is separate from other areas, defined by its perimeter.

Organic Shape

Organic shape: is one that resembles the flowing contours of an organism.

Geometric Shape

Geometric shape:  such as circles, triangles or squares often have precise, uniform measurements.

Figure (Positive Sapce)

Figure (positive space): The shape of a form that serves as a subject in a composition.

Ground (Negative Space)

Ground (negative space): The space surrounding a positive shape or form; sometimes referred to as ground, empty space, field, or void.


Unity: Refers to the cohesive quality that makes a composition feel complete and finished. Unity gives it the feeling that all the elements relate to each other in a compatible way to form a unified whole.

Economy (less is more)

Economy: Using only the elements necessary to communicate an idea, emotion, or formal concept. Less is more.

Material Needed for this Project #2:

Sketchbook, Camera/phone, pencils, marking pens, 1 sheet Bristol Board 9×12″, ruler/t-square, tracing paper