18 thoughts on “Your design hero

  1. Bryanna Andrew

    Michael Beirut.

    While I can admit that his designs aren’t the most profound thing in the world to me, what he has to say on the matter of design complete changed the way I thought about design and for that, he is one of my favorite designers. I admire and respect they way he views and tackles design.
    Most people don’t think much of design when asked about it— it just isn’t that big of a deal to them.
    Michael Beirut has shown that design does matter, and that designers change the world by making the complicated things in life simple.

  2. Lisa

    I chose El Lissitzky because of his constructivism designs. When you look at his work, it’s mainly simple shapes together however as a whole it is unique and quite different.

    1. cloyde(kingjay)

      Gail Anderson

      The reason why i chose Gail Anderson is not because she us a great designer and one of the most recognized designers around today, but because of the way she combines typography and graphic design to create a design that is appealing to all.

    2. cloyde(kingjay)

      Gail Anderson

      The reason why i chose Gail Anderson is not because she us a great designer and one of the most recognized designers around today, but because of the way she combines typography and graphic design to create a design that is appealing to all.

  3. Tiffany A. Lallkissoon

    Paula Scher

    Paula Scher is the reason why I decided to finally pursue a degree in graphic design. I learned about her in a documentary that I watched and it was from there that I fell through this rabbit hole of learning about the different aspects of graphic design.

  4. alex

    David Carson,
    I love how experimental David Carson was. He became popular for his work in the 1990s. He is also known as “The father of grunge”. I am a fan of grunge rock and a lot of bands actually have album artwork that is inspired by Carson’s work.

  5. Gon Hunter

    Paula Scher

    This was the first year I was introduced to her work, and thus far I have enjoyed looking over her more famous work such as Citibank, Windows 8, MoMA and more. Then I was recommended a series on Netflix called The Art of Design, which included an episode on Scher herself. I gained more interest in her history of Art, and learned more of what she does today, such as her hobby of custom maps of the US.

  6. Monica Rodriguez

    Rudy VanderLans and Zuzana Licko
    It is my first time hearing their names, so I don’t know much about them. Through this project I hope to learn more about these designers. Also, I viewed some of their works and I do like the combination of type and photography.

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