Author Archives: Kelman Eng

Painting with Light.

Today we are dealing with painting with light. When painting with light, it create the image more creative and enjoyable. This image is my favorite because of the consistency of the solid of the light around the body.  In order … Continue reading

Posted in LL8-Painting with Light | Leave a comment

Motion Blur

  Today we are dealing with the movement/motion of an object (people/things). When taking moving objects they tends to blur out to show the movement but at the same time a specific area is in focus.  What I like about … Continue reading

Posted in LL6-Motion Blur | Leave a comment

Gallery Report: Class Trip

Gallery 1: City Stages by Matthew Pillsbury. In this exhibit, it contains the work of Matthew Pillsbury. The entire gallery contains his photography in black and white. The main subject for his work focus on a city life or urban … Continue reading

Posted in Gallery Report | 1 Comment

Expression Portrait

  A certain amount of lighting can create a specific feel to the image.  What I like about this photograph is that the background lighting matches perfectly to the model expression. In another words if the background color is bright, … Continue reading

Posted in LL5-Portrait Lighting for Mood, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Up Close in Person

In dealing with portrait there’s many different light we are dealing with. To begin with taking portrait, we have to set up the main light known as the key light. The purpose of the key light is create a small … Continue reading

Posted in LL4-PortraitBasics | Leave a comment

Dramatic Roses

  For the following image, we are dealing with light direction. Our group was given two kind of roses: Red Roses and Yellow Roses. We were able to capture over 180’s images and this one manage to capture my attention. … Continue reading

Posted in LL3-Lighting Direction | 1 Comment

Even A Chair Can Be A Model

  The following photograph was taken as a class assignment. Working in a group of 3, we manage to capture over 20 photograph of a simple chair. Out of all the 20’s photo we took, this image capture my full … Continue reading

Posted in LL2-Using Composition | Leave a comment

The City That Never Sleep

This photograph was taken by Michael Kenna in 2006. The setting of the photograph is located in Midtown of Manhattan in New York City. The overall idea of this photograph is to show the viewers what it is like to … Continue reading

Posted in HW1-photo description | 1 Comment

Cruise Ship Struggles

The following image was taken by Gerald Herbert. He was able to capture a group of people that was on a cruise ship. The whole idea of this picture is to show the struggle of the passengers seeking for help … Continue reading

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