HW1-Photo Description

Look for a photograph that really speaks to you and that you think is visually engaging by one of the photographers listed below. Once you have selected a photograph, write a 300 word post describing the photograph.

1. Identify the photograph with the name of the photographer and the name of the photograph. Write a short description of the subject matter. Then, identify the mood or feeling of the photograph. Please include a link to the photograph so I can easily find it.

2. Write a second paragraph describing the photographer’s use of line, framing, pattern, depth of field or focus, contrast of light and dark, and vantage point or angle of view in the photograph. How do these elements help create the mood or feeling of the photograph?

Minimum 300 words.

Dawoud Bey-Harlem Stories

Thomas Holton
http://www.thomasholton.com/  The Lams of Ludlow Street

Michael Kenna-New York

Jeff Liao-Habitat 7

Eugene Richards
http://www.eugenerichards.com/ then select galleries>Stepping Through the Ashes

Susannah Ray
What the waves are saying: Storm Stories from the Rockaway

Roy Decarava
Slide show from front page


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