Painting with light is a fun technique that gives great results. It is called painting with light because this is what you are actually doing while taking the shot – painting with light.
To paint with ligth we will need
1. A camera capable of long exposures
2. A tripod because of the long exposures you want to make sure your camera sits still.
3. A flash light
4. A dark location.
Here is how it’s done:
Step one : Set your camera on the tripod and take a sample shot with flash / lights on.
Step 2: Set the exposure to a relatively long value. Stop down the aperture as much as you need.
Make the click. Once the shutter is open use your flashlight to light the stuff that you want to “paint”. You can use the flashlight as a brash, and “smear” the light, just like you would have done with brush and paper.
Once the shutter closes. Inspect your image and make corrections.
Here is my best shot
In a dark room and i had my group mates Jennifer and kelman paint with the ligth in a contour motion . We used several colors to make a strong effect to draw different sometimes imaginary parts of your object.