

I really like this picture because of the expression on the face. There are contrast of light and dark in this photo too. There are one light source in this photo and it is in a 45 degree angle. It also shows 3 parts of tones in his face.

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Personal Best


I like this photo because the light gives the subject more detail onto the face and the clothing with a few shadows in some areas. Also, the triangle on his left cheek is visible.

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Learning Log 3

The three traditional lights are front light, side light and back light. The front light gives the subject more light with less shadows. The side light gives the subject a somewhat 50/50 of light and shadow and the back light gives the subject less light with more shadow therefore giving the subject less details.

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Picture draft

The reason I picked this photo is because a great portrait to me. It has a great focus towards the person modeling. The use of Fill light and the person expression goes together pretty well and the background light is properly center.


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Three point light is created by using a main light, a fill, and a background light. When the main light is on the model, it creates shadows on the side of the face furthest from the light so a fill is used – the reflected light brightens the shadowed side of the face. The background light separates the model from the background by putting light between them and the background that casts on to their shoulders. The three point lighting provides for photos well lit from each angle.



I think that this is a good photograph because of the light and shadows created by the main light. To take this photo, we placed the main light about 45 degrees away from the camera so that the side of his face to the right of the photo is in shadow. We also raised the camera so that we’re looking down at him which added to the feeling & helping to make him look like he was deep in thought.


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Learning Log 3



Since the model wore glasses I wanted to include them in the picture but it reflected light directly into the camera. To solve it I told model to tilt his head down a little bit and to turn his head until the reflected light was on the corner of the frame.

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traditional lighting




The three traditional lightings are backlight, front light, and side light. In this picture there is broad light and a side light and a background light.

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traditional lighting – Draft

A three point lightning is traditionally done by using three separate positions, illuminating the subject or person, have control of the shadings and shadows that are produce by direct lighting.

Key light, Fill light and Background light are three known point lighting.

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Vlad Picture



The hair in this image played really well into the composition. I also like how the hair adds shadow. You can also see a triangle underneath the eye.


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Learning log 3: Portrait Basics

The three lights used in a traditional 3-point lighting is front light, side light and back light. The side light is set up at a 45 degree angle from the camera. The front light is set up right in front of the model/object or from the camera position. Back light is set up at a 180 degree angle from the camera. It faces the background.




In this picture, it shows how the side light works. The side light is at a 45 degree angle and you can clearly see the triangle that is created by the side light under the left eye. The left side of my face is almost completely dark so it focuses on the right side.

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