Motion blur



The aperture set in this photo is 5.6. The shutter speed was set to 1/4 s. We made this photo by just standing still and movement in the background is what made the photo. When the subject stands still and there is movement in the background, it makes it seem as if the subject is just standing there and there is a lot of motion happening around them.

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Shutter Speed Class assingment

Shutter Speed Class assingment

F-Stop: 22

Shutter Speed: 30

White Auto balance

ISO: 100

To get the motion blur, Vladimir walked towards the right while Jackson moved in the opposite direction. I on the other hand walked towards the camera


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Motion Blur

F/22.0 8" ISO 100 AWB

ISO 100


We got this photo out of creativity and figuring out what we were going to do last. Out of the stroke of inspiration we came out with this. I really liked how this photo came out because the table actually disappeared and it just looks plainly great .

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Blurred Punch



We achieved the motion blur here by using the F-stop at 22.0 and a shutter speed of 5 seconds. The ISO is on 100 and the white is on auto. I had to move very slowly in the image to make myself visible.

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Motion Blur

13447263305_82b42f9981_z Marko had Vlad, Franklin and I move in different directions with Vlad and I moving towards each other and Franklin towards the camera. At the end of the shoot, the photo showed us being transparent as we walk by. The camera had the shutter speed of  seconds and the aperture was 22.

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Learning Log 4


In this photo I wanted to use the lighting to create a scene. The dark background gave a big emphasis on who ever in closer to the camera and I used that to my advantage. With the lighting some little on the background gave the shady, mischief  feel. Some of the more difficult things was the background giving the wrong mood if the models were to smile.

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Traditional Lighting


Three point lighting is set up by using three sources of light, the front light, the back light and side light. The front light is the main source of light, the back light is suppose to make the model stand out, and the side light controls how much shadows/fill is visible.

The reason I think that this is my personal best is because of the contrast between light and shadow. The broad lighting was well executed in this image. I also think that the angle of the image is brilliant.

Luis Lopez

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A three point lighting is consist of a fill light, key light and back light. A fill light shines directly on an object from the side angle which eliminates shadows or shaded surfaces from the person face. Key light shines directly on the shot your taking  which is determined by the angle and your lighting of your shot. A back light is mainly a light that shines from behind the object which gives the shot a better focus on the object.

One of the photo’s I picked was the one above. I like this photo because the person expression and the lighting fits the picture. The back light is on point, you can see the whole background light focusing on the person. It also has fill light in it which shows half of a shadow on the person face.




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Learning Log

The three traditional lights are the front light, side light and back light. The front light gives the model a lot more light and very few shadows. The side light makes half of the model have light and the other in complete shadow. The back light leaves the model completely in the shadows.


In this photograph there is a very strong side light, but because of her pose, the other half is not in complete. Which makes this photograph all the more natural.

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front view

Screen Shot 2014-02-27 at 11.24.22 AMI really like this picture because it has this dramatic feeling on his face on both sides of light and shadow. Its a typical picture you see a lot now with the pose but the lighting makes it different. I see this as a front view closing because the shadow of his nose touches the shadows on the other side of his face closing it in. Plus the hat gives it a bit more of the shadow above his head but just enough and not to much.

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