13603452024_04b0b3df30_mFor this picture of the coins our process took several tries but we actually got a moment where the coins were to face into different directions. One coin faces the camera where its barely visible compared to the one on the left. We just had one person spin the coins over several times to get the right one with different angles of the coins and with a change in the shadows themselves, but overall the coins and really sharp and clear and show no motion at all. Lastly we had to lower the lights to have it at a good angle where it hits the coins at just the right amount so it’s not to exposed or under exposed.

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Freeze Motion


For this shot, we used a high speed flash and used a wider lens to capture both subjects in the frame. It took over 10 attempts to get the motion just right and in focus.

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Freezing motion


Andy and Howard decided to jump over one another, having Howard jump over andy in midair. It took a couple of shots but it came out pretty good.

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Freezing motion



This picture is an example of freezing motion. In order to take this picture, we had to time it correctly. The person taking the photo had to count down and order the subject to jump. The photographer also got a signal from the others in our group on when was the perfect time to take the shot. It was a fun experience to do a freeze motion shoot. It wasn’t as hard as it seems and once you set up the settings, it’s just a breeze from there.

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motion blur

Photo of motion

this image displays motion on my face really interesting. The background has not motion and captures great lighting. I capture the motion very well with the emotion that i am displaying the aperture is 5.6 and the shutter speed is .5 of second.


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Motion Pic


In this photo the the shutter speed is at 1/4 of a second. The apature in the picture is set at 10.0. In the photo i have done a break dance move which created alot of movement in my legs and kept my hand sharp. The image itself is very sharp also.


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Motion Blur


The aperture in this photo is 11 & the shutter speed is 1.0. We were able to take this photo by focusing on the background and taking it while the subject kept moving which created a lot of motion blur and made parts of him transparent so you can see through to the background.


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Shutter speed image




This is my favorite personal image because we are able to observe the characters movement who’s heading towards us, while the rest of the background it’s sharp and clear. this is a good image as an example of a tripod photo. The A/F of the image is 11.00, the ISO is 100 on a 0.8.

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This picture shows a lot of motion, there is about 5 people in this picture and only some you can only see their shoes. There is only one person that looks like a black solid object. This photo i like the most because it reminds me of the rush hour on the subway. Also the background is very share and it makes it a good composition. The metal gives perfect highlights to the solid black shoes.

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In motion

IMG_1093This picture is my personal favorite because of the sharp background and the one subject on the far left who is standing still which shows that she obviously not in motion, but the people on the left are showing a lot of motion from in and out the buildings doors and the whole background being more sharp. The F-stop was 16.0 and the shutter speed was 0.5. The white balance was on auto with the ISO on 100.

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