Category Archives: Learning Logs

Edward Hopper

The photo I picked is a well known painting done by Edward Hopper who has recently became my favorite artist. I’ve seen this painting in person before in The Whitney Museum of American Art in fall 2013 and that exhibit was … Continue reading

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Russia Athletics Worlds   This photo here shows what timing can do to a photo. The timing in this photo is just perfect that it portrays the athlete in the center of the dome. The framing of the dome is what makes … Continue reading

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Lines   i really like this photo because the lines shows a really nice composition. The lines starts off really wide and narrows down when it goes further. Makes it seem like a road for the people in the image. … Continue reading

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Sports-Swimming This image is about angle and has a really incredible point of view from the bottom of the pool. I like how you can see half of the swimmer’s body already under the water and you can see how … Continue reading

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I chose using this photo because I really like the depth of field. There is not too much blur to totally disco the background, nut just enough to take the attention away from the subject which is the person who … Continue reading

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First assignment

I chose this picture because of the amount of focus that is being placed on the boxer or fighter training. The photo being back-lit silhouetting the subject only really showing the the color of the gloves and the back ground

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YE Cano Theophane Boxing This image has a strong yet subtle depth of field, in which provides the emphasis on the 2 subjects, in this case, both fighters and the impact of the punch.

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LL5-Portrait Basics

Write a post describing in your own words how traditional 3-point lighting is set up. Name and describe the role of each light. Then post your personal best and describe why it is a good photograph.

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