Category Archives: Learning Logs

Traditional Lighting

Three point lighting is set up by using three sources of light, the front light, the back light and side light. The front light is the main source of light, the back light is suppose to make the model stand … Continue reading

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A three point lighting is consist of a fill light, key light and back light. A fill light shines directly on an object from the side angle which eliminates shadows or shaded surfaces from the person face. Key light shines … Continue reading

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Learning Log

The three traditional lights are the front light, side light and back light. The front light gives the model a lot more light and very few shadows. The side light makes half of the model have light and the other … Continue reading

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I really like this picture because of the expression on the face. There are contrast of light and dark in this photo too. There are one light source in this photo and it is in a 45 degree angle. It … Continue reading

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Personal Best

I like this photo because the light gives the subject more detail onto the face and the clothing with a few shadows in some areas. Also, the triangle on his left cheek is visible.

Posted in LL6-Portrait Lighting for Mood, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Learning Log 3

The three traditional lights are front light, side light and back light. The front light gives the subject more light with less shadows. The side light gives the subject a somewhat 50/50 of light and shadow and the back light … Continue reading

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Three point light is created by using a main light, a fill, and a background light. When the main light is on the model, it creates shadows on the side of the face furthest from the light so a fill … Continue reading

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Learning Log 3

  Since the model wore glasses I wanted to include them in the picture but it reflected light directly into the camera. To solve it I told model to tilt his head down a little bit and to turn his … Continue reading

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traditional lighting

    The three traditional lightings are backlight, front light, and side light. In this picture there is broad light and a side light and a background light.

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Vlad Picture

  ‘ The hair in this image played really well into the composition. I also like how the hair adds shadow. You can also see a triangle underneath the eye.  

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