
Stainless steel cooling bin Picture by:Kave Brooklyn

For the Beverage production learning analysis assignment I decided to do an alternative task and visit a coffee roaster named Unique Coffee Roasters. It is located at3075 Richmond Terrace, Staten Island, NY 10303. I spoke with the manager named Joseph Ferrara who informed me that the beans they use to roast coffee are mostly from brazil, however they also have beans that are from Hawaii, Asia, parts of Africa and Jamaica. ).

Close look at coffee bean package.
Picture by: @uniquecoffeeroasters

When I asked Joseph about the farmer’s approach to agriculture/farming practices, he said they are grown in Minas Gerais which is in Brazil and is very close to the south Atlantic Ocean. The coffee beans are picked during Brazil’s winter which is from June through September. The beans cannot handle the frost so when they are ready they are harvested right away (and can be found in stores almost out of stock at T.J Maxx, Homegoods, Marshalls, and Stop & Shop).


Picture by: @Uniquecoffeeroasters

Brambati Roasting Machine Picture by: @uniquecoffeeroasters

Their roasting methods vary since they produce different types of coffee bean flavors like a Deck blend or the Costa Rican Tarrazu. He mentioned that he was inspired by someone he knew in the coffee business who tried their beans before roasting them, this way he would know if the bean deserved a long roast or a light roast. Since I prefer a dark roast he said it would be a long roast if I wanted that chocolate, caramel, heavy taste to it. They roast the beans using a Brambati roaster which has a closed cylinder where the pure heat of the flames circulate throughout the container. It almost looks like a construction site since you are able to climb the stairs and go around it.

Roasting Machine Picture by: @striper

A close look at the beans
Picture by: @UniqueCofeeRoasters

The one who assisted me was Joseph who is the son of the James Ferrara, the original owner of Unique Coffee Roasters. James opened the coffee roasting business back in 1955 and Joseph knew coffee was his calling when he was in the 8th grade. Seeing his father run his business made him eager to work there and was first hired to sweep floors and moved up the ladder from there. He said he was fond of his father because he taught him to learn from the bottom and work his way up. Joseph plans on opening a new location in other boroughs such as Manhattan since he believes it will expand his current market.

Packaging the finished beans.
Picture by: @uniquecoffeeroasters

The customer service was great, a receptionist was able to let the manager know that I was interested asking question for an assignment. I had to call back at a different time since he was currently unavailable for questioning. When it came time for scheduling a tour he was unable to give a tour on the days I proposed.

Top View of Cooling bin. Picture by: @pmorse19

Since Joseph was unable to give a tour on the days I was available, he answered my questions through the phone. He was nice enough to suggest using photos from their Instagram page and some from those who had already taken a tour of the place. One thing I learned from this experience was to manage my time better when it comes to doing assignments that involve planning a tour.


Sauvignon Blanc – South Africa – Stellenbosch

Grape Variety: Sauvignon Blanc

Country: South Africa

Region: Stellenbosch

Climate: Stellenbosch is a hot and dry region that is also considered to have a maritime climate because of a body of water nearby called False Bay. This causes what is known to be diurnal temperature.

Soil: The soil used for this grape variety is granite and sandstone. Because of the high clay content, it allows the water to be retained.

Physical Location:The vineyard for the Sauvignon Blanc from South Africa is located on the hills of Stellenbosch and reaches the lower slopes of the Simonsberg Mountain in the north.

We decided to pair our wine with the Grilled Branzino which has confit cherry tomatoes, roasted black olives, smoked eggplant, and salsa verde.


Jean’s Fine Wines & Spirits

     Jean’s Fine Wines & Spirits located at 642 Forest Ave, Staten Island, NY, offers an extensive variety of wines. I asked the owner, Jean, what differentiates her from local liquor and wine stores, she explained that she offers customers unique choices rather than “the same 300 wines.” Jean and her employees also offer one on one assistance, and are very knowledgeable about the wines they sell. According to Jean, they have someone on sight who has a culinary degree and can perfectly pair wine with food.

      The winesare separated by region with shelf talkers and have a map located next to them with the regions.  They make sure the customer gets the proper wine they need,  as well as provide  recommendations if you are having a special occasion or 

Shelf Talker

are not sure what is appropriate. When asked about why she got into the wine business, she answered “well, it’s a funny story actually because I never would of thought I’d be selling wine like this.”  Jean said that while on a picnic with her husband, she was really enjoying the wine that was given to them by a friend. She decided to buy more and when she arrived to the shop, it was called “Gene’s Wine Shop.” She found it quite funny that they had the same name however different spelling. She soon found out that the actual store was up for sale. Jean bought the store and took it as a sign of fate and had the chance to settle after being between jobs.

Wine from France

Sparkling Wine

      The last question I asked was their oldest wine by vintage in store and it was a Dalla  Valle Cabernet Sauvignon, California 2000. Jean’s Fine Wines & Spirits have many benefits, from offering their opinions, hosting wine tastings on Fridays, the free 5 minute wine chilling service, to having free quarters for customers who park nearby so they avoid a ticket. It is the tiny things that matter and you can very much notice how much Jean cares about her customers. The only drawbacks I can think of from the experience was that the actual store had tight spaces and corners, and I was not asked for an I.D when purchasing a bottle of Bordeaux.

A region not yet studied.