Marcari Vineyards

Macari Vineyards

Have you ever been to a vineyard? Because it wasn’t until last Monday that I realize there was a whole new world filled with acres of land dedicated to wine growing on the other side of New York.  Macari vineyards has about 180 acres of land to be exact and located at the North Fork of Long Island. The North Fork has a total of 52 tasting rooms, and there first vines were planted in 1973.  Stepping into the winery you can already smell a strong but pleasant scent of fresh fruits as a vinous imagery of wine comes to mind.  The theme of Macari vineyard is just as you imagined, they had polished wine glasses, and a variety of wines stocked up neatly on the shelves, as the seats and tables were located perfectly overlooking every inch of the vineyards.

Macari Vineyards

Before my tour,  the guide, Jul Fedele presented me with a few facts about vinification, starting with the fact that wine was discovered about 6,000 years ago.  She then went on to explain how their process of fermentation goes at Macari vineyards, red wines take about a week, and white wines can take several weeks, to bring out more flavors and aroma.  On the other hand, when it comes to their viticulture they prefer dry soil and a terroir environment.  The viticulture at Macari prefers the type of soil called Sandy loam which is good for drainage.  If the vineyards have higher yields it will produce lower quality wines.  As we all know the region that the grape is grown will mostly determine how the wine will come out due to its temperature, soil, sunshine, etc.  That is why at Macari vineyards during late October this ava brings out more red wines than usually due to its healthy environmental factors.

Macari Vineyards

At Macari vineyards they have quite a few common but very well-known grape varieties that are grown.  There top grape varieties for red wine are Bordeaux, Malbec, Merlot, and Pinot Noir.  On the other hand, there top grape varieties for white wines are Chardonnay, Sauvignon blanc, Viognier, and Riesling.  Throughout the North Fork, Long Island, Pinot Blanc is very well known, however at Macari the most sold wines are Merlot and Chardonnay which tends to be quite popular throughout the region.  Most wines are fermented stainless steel at Macari due to it being cost efficient, durable, airtight, and good aging.  Most wines were held off in barrique, which was used for storing and aging wines.  When it comes to the alcohol content, 14% is as high as it mostly goes.

Macari Vineyards


A special attribute of the ava Macari vineyard is the specific oak that they used which is porous.  During the tour we passed through quite a few locations such as the vineyards, tasting rooms, and the room where they make and store the wines. The vineyards were neatly lined off, and very spacious.  The reason for this is because of better airflow which help disease control against the vines.  Of course, the vines can’t be protected a hundred percent due to phylloxera, which are insects that destroys grape vines by attacking their roots.

Macari Vineyards

Overall Macari Vineyards was a success, but what stood out to me the most was the wine tasting room. It was located underground as the pathway seem like it led to some ancient underground tunnel. The room had an antique earthy smell that really stood out as the place was fully sealed off with polished wood at every corner, keeping every drip of smell trapped in the room.  Everything in the room looked like it was made from natural resources including the seats, tables, walls, shelves, which gave it that crafty nature look. This was definitely an experience I enjoyed and can definitely see myself laid back sipping on a glass of chardonnay overlooking the beautiful view of North Fork, Long Island.

Macari Tasting Room

Macari Rose