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feedback !!

I really enjoyed reading Evan’s work on haikus. What really caught my attention was the different examples of haikus that he used from the famous poets. Throughout his assignment I saw that he explained the meaning of haiku and why it’s so important.

Discourse Community / Genre Assignment Essay

Michael_Java_Rewrite (1)

Step 5:

package step5;

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Step5 {

public static void main(String[] args) {
String city;
Scanner key = new Scanner(;
System.out.print(“Enter in the name of your favorite city: “);
city = key.nextLine();

int stringSize = city.length();
String upper = city.toUpperCase();
String lower = city.toLowerCase();
char letter = city.charAt(0);

System.out.println(“Number of Characters in the city name:” + stringSize
+” \n The city name in all uppercase:”+ upper +
“\n The city name in all lowercase:”+ lower +
“\n The first character in the name of the city:” + letter);


Reflections on Genre Project

1.Where did you find the sources that helped you to answer questions about the genre?

A: I found my answers mostly on google, like I searched up the romance genre and it brought me to another site

2. Are any of the authors of these sources also well known in the genre? How are the authors of those sources connected to the genre?

A: Some of them yes are well known. They write romantic novels also.

3. What information about the history or importance of the genre were you surprised to learn and why?
A: I was surprised that when writing a young adult romance novel the author knew not to write as if they are a parent talking down on their children. Its more like trying to put themselves in their shoes.
4. What was the most challenging part of the process of researching and analyzing your genre examples?
A: The most challenging was not trying to find opinions. I needed actually sources and not just people giving their own opinion about the genre.
5. Which one of your genre samples stand out the most and why?
A: I would say the fault in our stars because it’s main theme is basically hope. Even though they both had cancer they still found time to love each other. They forgot all about that and just focused on their love.
6. What ideas, themes, topics or questions from your genre are most relevant to your own life and why?
A: I would say the idea of hope. Before i used to think in negative ways but I’ve acquired the idea of hope so now I’m much happier and relaxed.
7. What did you discover about your own writing when you wrote your own version of the genre?

A: I would say I discovered I’m a hopeless romantic

8. How can reading this genre help your own writing or other aspects of your academic skills?

A:  I think it would help me be able to write because I just learned that a new topic so the more I read the more I would have opinions for everything. Because everything is connected.

9. What was the easiest part of the writing of your own version of the genre?

A: I would say writing about the sub genres

10. What was the hardest part of your writing your own version of the genre?

A: Trying to mirror it. I wrote something that was more interesting than this but it was hard for me to include the cancer thing.

11. What did you need to do first when you began to write your own version of the genre?

I had to skim through the book first.

12. What was different about your writing in this genre than in other types of writing that you have done?

A: Having to put my opinion into it. I usually can’t do that because research is supposed to be facts no input into it at all

13. How did reading about your genre help you to figure out how you wanted to write your own version of the genre?

Just by reading i wanted to put it in order. Start from the basic types of romance sub genres then talk about the history then it just played by itself from there


Texts and Reminders

Hello all,

On Monday, please bring your updated genre assignments–if yours was complete, I will simply bring all of the assignments with me–so, you won’t need to bring anything.

We will be finishing sharing with the class about our genre discoveries on Monday as well as working with our classmates on peer review.

Here are some short readings for Wednesday’s class: