Author Archives: Edwin Tito
Genere Assignment
Discourse Community/Genre
Edwin Tito
Grandiose sense,
unique power
plus entitlement,
For me, the hardest part of creating this haiku was the length becauseĀ it made me to be specific and go straight to the message. Though at the same time it requires less time to be spent while creating a haiku.
My name is Edwin. My goal for the semester is to learn more about intense writing and the ability to understand more sophisticated texts. Also to learn new words that can be helpful when writing. The quote that I created for writing is the following: “The more time you spent writingĀ about something the more understandable it will become for the reader.” I createdĀ this quote because when I write something as I read it I realize that I have to change some words or phrases in order for it to be more clear.
Wish Everyone A Good Semester!!!!