Class Date: April 25


The typographical grid.

A grid is a system of vertical and horizontal guides used for the organization of a layout. Grids are used in graphic and web design, etc.


  • Understanding the parts of grid:
    • Margins
    • Columns and rows
    • gutters (vertical and horizontal)
    • modules and spacial zones
  • Students develop understanding of organization in design

Quick Reference PDF: The Grid

Participation Activity

Activity 1
Type Challenge During Class: Following a grid

  • Follow these specs to create document
  • Go to PARENT PAGE A to add the guides (rows)

  • Go to the PAGES panel and deselect Allow Document Pages to Shuffle

  • Then add two (2) pages. You should now have three (3) pages that look like this:

This will allow you to see the same grid and explore the endless layouts that you can create.

Heading: Cobblestone Street
Body copy Text: Use placeholder (Go to TYPE > Fill in with Placeholder text)

Add this cobblestone picture

cobblestone photograph

All items must remain on their original proportion.

Page 1: use 2 columns to place text / 6 modules to place picture, 2 columns to place heading 

Page 2: use 1 columns to place text / 4 modules to place picture, 3 columns to place heading 

Page 3: use 3 columns to place text / 1 column to place picture, 1 column to place heading

Take a screen shot of the three pages with the guides on

Name it:
and place in Dropbox


Intro to Project 3

Intro to project 3 | Part 1. Posters Series and Social Media Posts
We will create a fictional art Exhibit: Annoying!
We will design a series of posters (which will be the actual contents of the show) and Social Media Posts (which will advertise the exhibit). This is the last project for the semester, and will incorporate all the previously typographic information discussed in class (typeface selection, alignment, word spacing: tracking, kerning, line height: leading, color & typography, the grid, visual hierarchy, and basic motion). How are all these elements create a comprehensive design in a series?

Step 1: Send me your text via email

Choose something that annoys you: Loud chewing, slow walkers, talking at the movies, etc… We will come up with a title for it. Then write a short paragraph (no more than 4 sentences) explaining why this annoys you.

The sound of loud chewing irks me greatly. When I was a kid my mother often said, “Don’t chew like that, you sound like a goat.” I think about this phrase very often when I hear someone making loud noises while eating. —m.g.



Create NEW Document:

NOTE that this is a different size from what was done in class today.

THIS is the SIZE of your posters

  • 2-page document (no facing pages)
  • size 11 x 14 inches
  • 3 pica (or .5″) margins all around
  • Create columns and rows:
    • GO to LAYOUT>CREATE GUIDES>ADD the rows and gutter> OPTIONS>from margin
      • 8 columns / 1 pica gutter
      • 12 horizontal rows / 1 pica gutter



    Use type only 
  • TWO typefaces max. (but with extensive families ok)
  • Black and White ONLY
  • Strictly follow the grid
  • Emphasize your visual hierarchy
    • Emphasize contrast with scale (something must be BIG, something must be small), but do not take words out of their original proportion.
  • Must consider and correctly apply what was previously covered in class: Type selection and variations, alignment, word and letter spacing, line height, expression, etc.

  • The word: Annoying!
  • Title of your own text (For example Loud Chewing)
  • Your personal text: Paragraph explaining your own narrative.

Save your InDesign File

Take Screen shots with the guides on.
Name: Lastname_firsname_posters_1

Place those in Dropbox

Graphic Assignments are always due the day before class at 11:30 pm, and must be placed in class drive (DROPBOX Spring 23) unless indicated otherwise. Assignments uploaded during class on the day that they are due are marked as late.

Participation Activities (Scavenger Hunts, Type Talks and Type Challenges) are due during class or the day before class at 11:30 pm if indicated by the instructor.

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