Class Info

  • Class Date: Thursday, March 30


Prepare presentations for PROJECT 2

Be reflective:

Are you following specs?
What needs to improve?
Are words edited?

All pages must be their final, edited and corrected versions.

Additionally all 3D work and mock-ups must be displayed in high resolution and rendered as per lectures

    • Final file submissions in Dropbox: Monday, April 3
    • Presentations of Project 2: Tuesday, April 4, during class.

Presentation Preparation

Prepare PROJECT 2, for file submission and in-class presentation

Presentation Specs:
11″ x 8.5″ Illustrator template provided via email
6 pages total (or create your own artboards)

Place as specified (you can copy and paste directly from your Illustrator files, or export artboards as jpegs, then place into each page

Page 1
Project 2: Expressive & Creative Typography
COMD1127 Type and Media / Your Name

Page 2
Part 1: Expressive Typography
Convey the meaning of a word using basic principles of design, sans serif typefaces and black & grey only.

Note: (Refer to Class 12/ due Class 13)

Page 3
Part 1: Expressive Typography
Further Studies: Convey the meaning of one word with the use of 3D tools, material, and color

Note: (Refer to Class 15/ due Class 16)
(Refer to Class 16 for Resolution and Rendering)

Page 4
Part 2: Creative Typography:
Create a playful typographical composition using our favorite foods. Black and grey only. Explore letter placement, and offset paths.

Note: (Refer to Class 13/ due Class 14)

Page 5
Part 2: Creative Typography: FOOD
Further development of type composition, edits and color exploration.

Note: (Refer to Class 14/ due Class 15)

Page 6
Part 2: Creative Typography: FOOD
Final versions. Typography in use.

Note: (Refer to Class 16/ due Class 17)
Mock-ups (refer to Class 17, mock-ups during class)

Save Illustrator file and and also save as PDF file

IN-CLASS Activities

In Dimension
Complete mock-ups with final versions of food logotype (brand solution)

In Dimension
Once your mock-up is final (with no background), export a version to

File > Export>Selected for AERO
Name file>lastname_for_aero
This will generate a .glb file. Place this file in DROPBOX.

In Illustrator:
Studio Time: Edit and Complete Work

If not done, complete Type Talk from Class 17


Graphic Assignment

Complete project 2

I will collect ONLY 1 PDF
Place in DROPBOX

Graphic Assignments are always due the day before class at 11:30 pm, and must be placed in class drive (DROPBOX Spring 23) unless indicated otherwise. Assignments uploaded during class on the day that they are due are marked as late.

Participation Activities (Scavenger Hunts, Type Talks and Type Challenges) are due during class or the day before class at 11:30 pm if indicated by the instructor.

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