Class Info

  • Class Date: Tuesday, March 21

Project 2: Expressive and Creative Typography
Due Class 19

Part 1: 4 words from with a typeface (meaning by principles of design/no color, only Sans Serif Typeface

Part 2: Favorite Food Typographic Solution/With Typeface but using more creative solutions and color (Touch Type tool / Offset Path/others)

Part 3: Today: Explore typographical solutions with 3D (with WORDS from Part 1)

Part 4: Explore typographical placement in mock up and augmented reality (with FOOD)


  • Continue to explore more tools in Illustrator to create expressive typography.
  • Careful with Eye Candy
    • Keep a solid understanding of the letterform. Textures and effects do not mean good typography.


3D tools in Illustrator and Typography




Type Challenge during class

Create an 6″ x 4″ Document in Illustrator

Once completed/ Take a screenshot of one solution

  • Create a new post named “Last Name_First_Name_ TC_extrude.jpg
  • Give it categories:
    “Student Post” and “Student Post Type Challenge”
  • Insert screenshot INTO your post.

Last Name_First_Name_ TC_extrude.jpg


Continue to work and develop your individual WORDS and FOOD solutions.


Create 3 x 3 inches/ 4 artboards document in Illustrator

(.5 inches between artboards)

Adjust type/ offset path and colors as necessary

On artboard 1 Place your selected word in BLACK and WHITE

Artboard 2, 3, 4 : Experiment different solutions. TYPOGRAPHY must be legible, and solution must make sense to the meaning of the word. Can use color.

Save your Illustrator file.

Take a screenshot and place in class Dropbox



Graphic Assignments are always due the day before class at 11:30 pm, and must be placed in class drive (DROPBOX Spring 23) unless indicated otherwise. Assignments uploaded during class on the day that they are due are marked as late.

Participation Activities (Scavenger Hunts, Type Talks and Type Challenges) are due during class or the day before class at 11:30 pm if indicated by the instructor.

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