Class Info: Thursday, April 20

  • Registration for Summer 23 and Fall 23 – ongoing
  • Attendance is up-to-date in Blackboard. Class is IN-PERSON
  • Gradebook – Checkmark for participation activities are up-to-date in Open Lab (these are only to be done in the classroom)
  • College Resources
  • I owe you Project 2 grade.


  • Continue: Color/ Textures/Legibility
  • Let’s look at this PDF Faded image in InDesign

    Ways of Improving Legibility with color continuity (Part 2–Following a Color Theme)
    • manipulate the color of a particular image
    • fade portions of imagery or typography (to achieve contrast)
    • add bars of solid colors to reduce busy background
    • others
  • For this example> I created a vertical rectangle, manipulated its transparency and effect
Designed my word (with typeface, case, word spacing adjustments, line height adjustment as necessary)
End Results. Should I edit further?


Add a second page to the file that we used during last class

On top left square:
Choose a texture, add a solid shape. Manipulate effects and transparency to achieve a legible composition (this will be different from the one done on previous class)

Leave two squares blank

Then add image inside a letter


How to add an image inside a letter INDESIGN

One-on-ones: Returning page 1 with corrections (which was due before class today).

A look ahead…


  • Visual Hierarchy: Giving levels of importance to the difference elements that are part of a design.
  • Examine this PDF with Visual Hierarchy Progression. Every page uses the exact same text, but the hierarchy changes once we start applying different principles (For example a basic change in type size can make a difference in the way the viewer looks at the design)


  • Learn about visual hierarchy and how these design principles can improve or change the way we see and read.
    • space
    • type size
    • spacial zones (areas defined by grid)
    • color
    • alignment
    • added elements (lines)
    • variations in type (bold)
    • dynamic compositions (diagonals)
    • others

Intro to Project 3

Intro to project 3 | Part 1. Posters Series and Social Media Posts
For a fictional art exhibit (Theme to come).
We will Design a series of posters (which will be the actual contents of the show) and Social Media Posts (which will advertise the exhibit). This is the last project for the semester, and will incorporate all the previously typographic information discussed in class (typeface selection, alignment, tracking, kerning learning, color and typography, the grid, visual hierarchy, and motion ).


Complete both pages type and color as specified above

SAVE InDesign file
EXPORT AS PDF (all pages)

Name file: Lastname_colorandwords_all.pdf

Place in Dropbox

This will be a graded stand alone assignment

Graphic Assignments are always due the day before class at 11:30 pm, and must be placed in class drive (DROPBOX Spring 23) unless indicated otherwise. Assignments uploaded during class on the day that they are due are marked as late.

Participation Activities (Scavenger Hunts, Type Talks and Type Challenges) are due during class or the day before class at 11:30 pm if indicated by the instructor.

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