Writing My Way Through Life

Author: George Gordon

Blog Response 2

For any family, communication is an integral part of the culture. If as family members, communication isn’t valued or utilized, then that family is dysfunctional. Verbal and non-verbal communication is what helps bring a family closer. In my home and experiences with other households, being able to communicate freely with everybody is regarded as an important aspect. Making sure we are all in constant contact, visiting other family members, and keeping up with each other is just the way we live. it perpetuates a family bond.

There needs to be a level of trust between members of a family and a friendly atmosphere must be perceived. A place where one can come and not be judged. If there is any issue, problem, or situation somebody needs help with, speaking to another is encouraged. Being able to pick up on when someone isn’t communicating is vital. For the most part, as long as everybody is talking to each other about anything, it’s a good sign. Now, being closed off or having a lack of communication between each other signals an undesirable trait. Avoiding others or ignoring them is seen as an insult or signifies a problem. Profanity and lack of respect when it comes to communicating are also frowned upon.

School has been mostly similar, with some teachers encouraging students to speak up and bring up issues in their lives if there are any. Classmates should be able to form friendships or, at the very least, be able to respect one another. The biggest difference being that you speak in differently depending on who you are speaking to. You wouldn’t speak to a dean or the principal the same way you’d speak to a friend or you may not speak to your parents the same way you’d speak to a classmate.

Blog Response 1

1. What role does technical communications play in your existing communicative life?Note, it would be helpful for you to re-articulate what technical communications means in this context as you discuss this idea.

Technical communication is everywhere, from sending a work e-mail to the little manuals that come packaged in a video game case. This very blog post is a form of technical communication. Without realizing it until now, technical communication has a substantial role in my life. Through it, I can talk to my friends over text messages, do homework assignments for my courses, learn how to use new devices I order online or figure out how to get around the city. Now with a major in professional and technical writing, I’ll also learn how to produce technical documents as well. It’s definitely going to be something that will be a part of my life for quite awhile.

2. How can a technical communications perspective help you understand how you are connected to others through both technology and culture?

Our phones, computers, Wi-Fi access, and other pieces of technology are very much a part of us today. It keeps us in contact with each other and our work, as well as, the way in which we get our news. With the spread of technical communications, many different cultures around the world will have access to information produced from around the world and allow us to have a glimpse into the cultures of others. However, we must learn to adapt our method of communication as well since something we produce here could be seen as offensive to someone from a different culture.

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