Inking: Obvious and Ambiguous

Those sketches that I started off with have now been stabilized and transformed into some amazing black and white drawings. I have to admit, it was rather time consuming when it came to sketching and inking the pieces, but that didn’t keep me from enjoying my time while working on this piece. I always feel bad when I use my ink on any image, but then again, inking pens were made for inking. I am glad that this has gone to a good project of mine and it really is cool to have things done on time.

I am ready to take these small images to the next step and I hope to see bigger and better things with these new skills that I am acquiring.  I’m keeping the images safe and ready for the next step, and I feel like I can tackle anything.



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4 Responses to Inking: Obvious and Ambiguous

  1. your inks are so cuteee ♥ love it. ☺

  2. codin168 says:

    These inked thumbnails are amazing. They have enough detail where it should be and simplicity is shown when necessary. It is clear which are ambiguous and which are obvious.

  3. Divina A. says:

    Amazing. I truly believe that seeing your artwork is very inspirational. Keep up the good work.

  4. Account Deleted says:

    Wow. These are beyond beauty! How everything is structured & drawn are happiness to my eyes. : )

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