View From My Window: Research

In this project, I looked out of my window to see what I normally would ignore. I enjoyed looking upon the many shapes that were presented to me, like rectangles, squares, triangles, and even shapes that weren’t exactly geometric. Lines and wires were scattered across the skies, and their black hues contrasted against the bright sky (even though I can’t see the sky much). Drawing these were an enjoyable experience.

There’s a barred gate covering my window, so I was unable to see much, but I soon realized that I was able to remove that and draw what I could truly see. Despite the fact that my eyes were greeted with drab shades and colors, I will still able to make things work when drawing the shapes. I was never one to really focus on the colors, anyways. I was surprised to see how my sketches came out, for I’m  not too good at drawing buildings or anything that is man-made. But I can already feel myself improving, and this is good news in my book. artsone

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4 Responses to View From My Window: Research

  1. Loubna Aly says:

    I see a lot of Ambiguous! Great sketches. I can tell you are good at creating ambiguous images, I would’ve liked to see a little more stable thumbnails though. I can also tell you have a desire for geometric lines rather than organic. I liked this a lot. Good Luck! PS, you have a cool name.

    • Gennipena says:

      Thank you! The funny thing is that I thought I would have much more of a problem trying to create ambiguous images and an easier time creating solid images. I honestly like how my ambiguous pieces came out! It’s also odd that I dislike drawing geometric things and I prefer drawing freely and organically. I guess my skills swapped on me, lol. Thanks again for the critic and the compliment! 🙂

  2. RANMA says:

    I can’t read your assignment. All I can see is “hmchmcghmfchgvh xhgf hmchmcghmfchgvh xhgf hmchmcghmfchgvh xhgf”

    • Gennipena says:

      Yeah, when we went to the computer room to make the open lab accounts, I had a problem and Professor Spevack helped me at the very end. She was demonstrating something and filled it in with gibberish as an example as to how to create a post, but I updated it now!

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